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"You know him?" questioned Carroll easily. "Know him? I'll say I do. Why, man, that's Roland Warren!" "Warren! Roland Warren! Not the clubman?" "The very same one, Carroll, an' none other. Well, I'm a sonovagun! Sa-a-ay, something surely has been started here." He swung around on the taxi-driver. "You, Walters!" "Yes, sir?" "You are sure the suit-case is still in front?" "Yes, sir."

So it is no use waylaying the paper-hanger on the chance of getting a free meal. "Anti-Reprisal." If you are out walking, and enemy aeroplanes are dropping bombs on your side of the street, it is advisable to cross over to the other side. Never shake your umbrella at the enemy 'planes. A taxi-driver might think you were signalling to him.

Nor could she give Rooke, on his return, the slightest information as to what had become of his guests the lady, or the two gentlemen who, she told him, had called shortly afterwards, apparently expecting to find Miss Davenant there. Meanwhile the taxi had carried them swiftly to Peter's house, where he hurried Nan and Sandy up to his own sanctum, instructing the taxi-driver to wait below.

While they were waiting for the elevator, Curtis fathomed Marcelle's stock of information as to the addresses of neighboring ministers of the Protestant Episcopal Church. It was nil. He appealed to the attendant when the elevator came up, but that worthy thoughtfully tickled his scalp under his cap, and suggested a consultation with the taxi-driver.

"Did you not send for her?" she asked in alarm. Tarling shook his head. "What was the man like who called?" he asked: "A very ordinary-looking man, rather under-sized and ill-looking it was the taxi-driver." "You have no idea which way they went?" "No," replied the matron.

It was in these clothes that they were now about to start what they hoped would be a lasting friendship with the Delloggs, and remembering they had them on they decided that perhaps it wasn't only sun and oranges making the taxi-driver so attentive, but also the effect on him of their grown-up and awe-inspiring hats. This was confirmed by what he said next.

You never told me your name, but I kept a note of the address you gave through me to your taxi-driver, and through that address I have just by chance heard that you and the Miss Armitage who corrected the proofs of a wonderful book recently published are one and the same person. May I call and see you? Yours sincerely, He waited impatiently for the answer, but none came for several days.

Such was the fate of the four of us two pilots and two observers when we left our field to the cow and the conference of Brass Hats, and drove to the Grand Hotel. The taxi-driver, who, from his enthusiastic civility, had clearly never driven a cab in London, would not be convinced. "No, sir," he said, when we arrived at the hotel, "I'm proud to have driven you, and I don't want your money.

The trait first showed itself in a dozen incidents of little more than nervousness his warning to a taxi-driver against fast driving, in Chicago; his refusal to take her to a certain tough cafe she had always wished to visit; these of course admitted the conventional interpretation that it was of her he had been thinking; nevertheless, their culminative weight disturbed her.

"Scotland Yard," he told the taxi-driver. He thrust another cigar between his teeth but forgot to light it. He was amazed at his own sensations, conscious of fears and emotions of which he would never have believed himself capable. He gave in his card, and after a few moments' delay he was shown into the presence of one of the chiefs of the Detective Department, who greeted him warmly.