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The expression of her face was decidedly lachrymose. "Poor Arthur!" she exclaimed. "Dora, dear, something so dreadful has happened!" "Yes," returned Dora, with the indifference of one who has tasted of the worst. "Poor Arthur has received Jem's papers and diaries and things, and I can see from his letter that it has quite upset him. He is so sympathetic, you know." Dora had turned quite away.

She was restless and dissatisfied, and the misty sunlit landscape had lost its charm, and her book its power of enchaining her attention. She had tasted the joy of real companionship; the charm of real sympathy; of the fearless exchange of ideas with one whose outlook upon life was as broad and charitable as Sir Timothy's had been narrow and prejudiced.

The little fellow ran into the street. He heard the pennies jingle in his pocket. How rich he was! Boston is now a great city, but at that time it was only a little town. There were not many stores. As Benjamin ran down the street, he wondered what he should buy. Should he buy candy? He hardly knew how it tasted. Should he buy a pretty toy?

I thought of poison, somehow, and more so than ever as I reached over to see if there was any coffee left, for my throat was dry as a piece of pine board. There wasn't, but at the bottom of the pail were two or three little sticky brown dabs. I tasted the stuff. It was opium. I know, for I've used it in sickness. I stumbled out to get the air.

Do people still eat brown sugar? Why, I haven't seen any of that for ages," cried Mrs. Field. The stew was good and savory, and the bread fair. The tea was not all clover, but it tasted of the tin. Mrs. Field said: "Beef, beef, everywhere beef. One might suppose a menagerie of desert animals ate here. Edward, we must make things more comfortable for our men.

He received us with much politeness, and conducted us through his garden. Apples, pears, peaches, figs, oranges, and grapes, with other fruits which I do not now recollect, were growing and ripening. The grape-vines were bowed to the ground with the luxuriance arid weight of the yield; and more delicious fruit I never tasted.

He liked to watch her color come and go, to see the asters on her bosom tremble with the quickened beating of her heart, and tasted, in anticipation, the satisfaction of the moment when that pleasant voice of hers would falter out its grateful assent. Drawing yet nearer, he went on, still in the persuasive tone that would have been more lover-like if it had been less assured.

It was of mealy flour, and tasted velvety and delicious after eternal biscuit. We also organized a large bake of mealy cakes, which were a distressing failure, as the pan got red-hot. I am afraid food and eating have become very prominent in my diary.

She had even tasted the cup of blessing; but, dashing it from her lips in the spirit of daring rebellion, she was made to drink "the wine-cup of fury." It elucidates the divine condescension and forbearance, when the wicked, instead of being withered at a touch, are allowed time for reflection.

Native land! in summer smiling, Hill and valley, grove and stream; Home! whose nameless charms beguiling, Peaceful nursed our infant dream; Haunts! to which our childhood hasted, Where the earliest wild flowers grew; Church! where Christ's free grace we tasted, Graved on memory's page, Adieu!