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Joy to you both! Joy, my dear fellow, fifty thousand times. Joy! There is not a blessing on earth that Tom did not wish them. There is not a blessing on earth that Tom would not have bestowed upon them, if he could. 'I beg your pardon, sir, said Mr Tapley, stepping forward, 'but yow was mentionin', just now, a lady of the name of Lupin, sir. 'I was, returned old Martin 'Yes, sir.

'Where was you a-thinking of going to, sir? inquired Mr Tapley drying the sole at the fire, and looking coolly at it as he spoke, as if it were a slice of toast. 'Where! repeated Martin. 'You don't suppose I am going to remain here, do you? The imperturbable Mark confessed that he did. You do! retorted Martin angrily. 'I am much obliged to you. What do you take me for?

'But it well! I beg your pardon, but I think it may have been you, sir. Unintentional I think it may have been you. I don't believe that neither of you gave the other quite a fair chance. There! Now I've got rid on it, said Mr Tapley in a fit of desperation: 'I can't go a-carryin' it about in my own mind, bustin' myself with it; yesterday was quite long enough. It's out now. I can't help it.

'My wishes, sir, replied Mr Tapley, whose mind would appear from the context to have been running on the matrimonial service, 'is to love, honour, and obey. The clock's a-striking now, sir. 'Come in! 'Thank'ee, sir, rejoined Mr Tapley, 'what could I do for you first, sir? 'You gave my message to Martin? said the old man, bending his eyes upon him.

Memphis and her Antecedents. Her Loyalty. An Amusing Incident. How the Natives learned of the Capture of Fort Donelson. The Last Ditch. A Farmer-Abolitionist. Disloyalty among the Women. "Blessings in Disguise." An American Mark Tapley. Thompson, was in Memphis on the day of the battle, and boasted of the easy victory the Rebels would have over the National fleet.

There is not much credit in being jolly when the joints of life are well oiled and events move as smoothly as feathers drawn through cream. The glory lies in maintaining your serenity under adverse circumstances; in emulating Mark Tapley, and being jolly when there is not a hand's breadth of blue in all the heavens.

'If your philosophy, Mark, said Tom, who laughed heartily at this speech, 'be the oddest I ever heard of, it is not the least wise. Mrs Lupin has said "yes," of course? 'Why, no, sir, replied Mr Tapley; 'she hasn't gone so far as that yet. Which I attribute principally to my not havin' asked her. But we was wery agreeable together comfortable, I may say the night I come home.

I've thought them all before. What is the use of living after all, Anne?" "Honey, it's just brain fag that makes us feel that way, and the weather. A pouring rainy night like this, coming after a hard day's grind, would squelch any one but a Mark Tapley. You know it IS worthwhile to live." "Oh, I suppose so. But I can't prove it to myself just now."

I gets to the U-nited States; and then I DO begin, I won't deny it, to feel some little credit in sustaining my spirits. What follows? Jest as I'm a-beginning to come out, and am a-treadin' on the werge, my master deceives me. 'Deceives you! cried Tom. 'Swindles me, retorted Mr Tapley with a beaming face.

But THEY know, bless you! said Mark, with a shake of the head expressive of his unbounded confidence in the wisdom and arithmetic of those Institutions. 'The money we brought with us, said Martin, 'is reduced to a few shillings less than eight pounds. Mr Tapley smiled, and looked all manner of ways, that he might not be supposed to attach any importance to this fact.