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They make wonderful clocks there, I've been told, but none more wonderful than our cuckoo, I'm sure." "No, I'm sure not," said Griselda, softly. "Why didn't Miss Sybilla take it with her when she was married and went away?" "She knew her sisters were so fond of it. It was like a memory of her left behind for them. It was like a part of her.

Cheese began to stammer something about the leg of the table; but the subject was interrupted by the entrance of Sibylla. Lionel wished them good-evening, and went out with her. Outside the room door they encountered Dr. West. "Where are you going, Sybilla?" he asked, almost sharply, as his glance fell upon his daughter and Lionel. "To Verner's Pride." "Go and take your things off.

Edwards barely repressed a cry of consternation. "Good Lord!" he gasped; "it's my lady!" "Hush!" cried Sybilla. "Who is the man?" As if some inward prescience told him they were there, the man lifted his hat at that very instant, and plainly showed his face. "The Hamerican, by Jove!" gasped the horrified valet.

For many years this enchanted portion of Captain Rothesay's past life had rarely crossed his mind; but when it did, it was always with a half-unconscious thought, that he himself might have been a better and a happier man, had his own beautiful Sybilla been more like Alison Balfour.

First I raised the west from Strathaven to Ayr. Thence I carried the news to Dumfries and along the border side. But to-day I have seen the Lady Sybilla on her way to take ship for France. From her I heard the news that all I had done was too late." "That foreigneerin' randy! Wad ye believe the like o' her? Yon woman that they named 'Queen o' Beauty' at the tournay by the Fords o' Lochar!

And so for this time and it may be for ever, fare you well!" When the Earl had read this letter from the Lady Sybilla, he turned himself in his saddle without delay and said to his hunt-master: "Take back the hounds, we will not hunt the stag this day." The messenger stood respectfully before him waiting to take back an answer. "Come you from the town of Edinburgh?" asked the Earl, quickly.

And she Sybilla Silver set her teeth as she looked at her, so gloriously radiant in her wedded bliss. Mr. Parmalee, lounging among the trees, caught one glimpse of that exquisite face as it flashed by. "By George! ain't she a stunner? Not a bit like t'other one, with her black eyes and tarry hair. I've seen quadroon girls, down South, whiter than Miss Silver.

Lady Kingsland turned round at the opening of the door, and her face hardened into that cold look it always wore at sight of her husband's brilliant protégée. "I have been to the village, my lady," Sybilla said. "I have seen Mr. Parmalee. He will be in the Beech Walk precisely at eight." My lady bent her head in cold acknowledgment. Sybilla paused an instant, determined to make her speak.

"I am Sybilla Silver, and I have run away from home, and I will die sooner than ever go back!" She looked up with a passionate outbreak, and Sir Everard saw the splendor of a pair of flashing Spanish eyes. "I shall not send you back, depend upon it. Why did you run away, Miss Silver?" "Do you really wish to know?" she asked. "Oh, Sir Everard Kingsland, will you indeed be my friend?"

Nor were Jonathan and Jonas remiss in conversing with them about the concerns of their immortal souls, declaring to them the love of God our Saviour towards them. We once met with Sybilla, Jonathan's wife, seated with a company of women, under the shadow of a skin-boat, set on edge, exhorting them, with great simplicity and fervour, to hear and believe the gospel. 28th.