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There is another law of nature, which must not be lost sight of, which is at war with the idea of a garden floating on a bed of rushes; and that is capillary attraction, which would raise particles of water, one by one, among the fibres of the rushes until the frail raft on which the earth rested was saturated; and still pressing upward, the busy drops would penetrate the superincumbent earth, moistening and adding to the specific gravity of the garden by filling the porous earth until it became too heavy to float, if it ever had floated.

You shall walk for hours in parks of palm-tree alleys, regular, like soldiers on parade; in the recesses of the hills you may stumble on a mill-house, toiling and trembling there, fathoms deep in superincumbent forest.

Here one of two things must be allowed; either that those strata of schistus had been broken and distorted under a mass of other superincumbent strata; or that those superincumbent strata had been deposited upon the broken and distorted strata at the bottom of the sea. Our author, who has examined the subject, inclines to think, that this last has been the case.

These andesitic rocks form mountain masses of a white colour, which, in their general outline and appearance in their joints in their occasionally including dark-coloured, angular fragments, apparently of some pre-existing rock and in the great dikes branching from them into the superincumbent strata, manifest a close and striking resemblance to masses of common granite and syenite: I never, however, saw in these andesitic rocks, those granitic veins of segregation which are so common in true granites.

Over and over went the Padre, closely followed by his faithless mule. Luckily the little hollow which received the pair was of sand that yielded to the superincumbent weight, half burying them without further injury. For some moments the poor man lay motionless, vainly endeavoring to collect his scattered senses.

Within these cavities, we find, 1st, The coat of crystals with which this cavity is always lined; and this is general to all substances concreting, in similar circumstances, from a state of fusion; for when thus at liberty they naturally crystallise. 2dly, We have frequently a subsequent crystallization, resting on the first, and more or less immersed in it. 3dly, There is also sometimes a third crystallization, superincumbent on the second, in like manner as the second was on the first.

It can scarcely be doubted that this action consists, in a great degree, of the baking, and occasionally the liquefaction, of rocks, causing them to assume, in some cases a larger, in others a smaller volume than before the application of heat. It consists also in the generation of gases, and their expansion by heat, and the injection of liquid matter into rents formed in superincumbent rocks.

Occasionally the molten lava flowing under the superincumbent crust broke through split a dazzling streak, from five hundred to a thousand feet long, like a sudden flash of lightning, and then acre after acre of the cold lava parted into fragments, turned up edgewise like cakes of ice when a great river breaks up, plunged downward and were swallowed in the crimson cauldron.

The religious instruction, however, re-interpreted by the mediaeval Church or the Reformation, has still its strength in some of the best elements of patriarchal literature; while the fairy tale, by which all this superincumbent weight of learning is sometimes alleviated, is the child's inheritance from the matriarchal order.

Baked by the heat from beneath, and pressed by the weight of superincumbent waters, these layers slowly hardened into stratified rocks. Forms of vegetable and animal life, though only of the lowest type, the origin of which is to be explained hereafter, now began to appear.