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"I know that," said the father, "but on the other hand you know it's not lucky to refuse it." "I didn't refuse it," rejoined Denis, "I surely took a quantum suff. of it with my own hand." "It was very near a refusal," said the father, in a disappointed and somewhat sorrowful tone; "but it can't be helped now. I'm only sorry you put it and quantum suff. in connection at all.

"Case of male asterisks," observed the first. "Rj. Aquae pumpis purae quantum suff. Applicatur extero pro re nata. J. Bromley, M.D., and don't he wish he may get through!" "Tip us your daddle, my boy," said the second speaker. "I'll tell you what, Bromley, this fellow's very bad. He's got no more pulse than the Pimlico sewer. Run in into the next pot'us.

The third is the hygienic sciolist, who drinks on principle poor "Gladstone" and thin French wines, cheap and nasty; and the survivor is the man who enjoys a quantum suff. of humming Scotch and Burton ales, sherry, Madeira, and port, with a modicum of cognac. This has been my plan in the tropics from the beginning, when it was suggested to me by the simplest exercise of the reasoning faculties.

Here the probationary disciple of Galen, who stood at his master's door in his flat cap and canvass sleeves, with a large wooden pestle in his hand, took up the ball which was flung to him by Jenkin, with, "What d'ye lack, sir? Buy a choice Caledonian salve, Flos sulphvr. cum butyro quant. suff." "To be taken after a gentle rubbing-down with an English oaken towel," said Vincent.

Delicious are the stories of Francis Bacon's clerical successor, who endeavored to get up a quantum suff. of Chancery law by falling on his knees and asking enlightenment of Heaven. Gloomily comical are the anecdotes of Chief Justice Fleming, whose most famous and disastrous blunder was his judgment in Bates's case.

I have heard his sons talk about it familiarly, and it is all to be found in their writings. Nobody knows how to be disagreeable quite so well as the English gentleman, except the English lady. They can do it with the nicety of a medicine dropper. They can administer the precise quantum suff. in every case. In the society of English gentlemen and ladies Mr.

Even smooth-bore field-pieces, with point-blank of three hundred and twenty yards and service range of one thousand, have to keep their distance. It is a rare thing now for cannon to be captured by a charge of cavalry or the bayonet. The rifle destroys quantum suff. of their horses, and, their support overpowered, they remain a helpless prey.

Jonathan Trapp has served as foot-boy, which term, we believe, is derived from those who are in that humble capacity receiving a quantum suff. of the application of the feet of those above them to increase the energy of their service; then as foot-man, which implies that they have been promoted to the more agreeable right of administering instead of receiving the above dishonourable applications; and lastly, for promotion could go no higher in the family, he had been raised to the dignity of butler in the service of Mr.

I should prefer, for trapping old as well as young, the way in which bears are caught by the North American backwoodsman, a hollowed log, with some fruit, plantains for instance, floating in a quant. suff. of sugar, well sugared and narcotized. Concerning the temper of these little captives, there are heroic differences of opinion. Mr.

It is to be hoped she is: for the novel is a sort of macédoine of Irish history, folk-lore, scenery, and what not, done up in a syrup of love-making quant. suff. Its author wrote many more novels and became a butt for both good- and ill-natured satire with the comic writers of the twenties, thirties, and forties.