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Once when he looked at her Sam thought that he had surprised an annoyed look in her eyes and was puzzled by it. During the remainder of the evening her eyes refused to meet his and she looked instead at the floor, a flush mounting her cheeks. At the door of the carriage Frank, Sue's coachman, stepped on the hem of her gown and tore it.

I'll have to go tell Sue that before she is two minutes older. I wouldn't want her to live five minutes longer without having heard it. Sue's dead sure to tell the rest of the girl bunch, so I hope you have a supply where that came from, for they'll all cry for 'em. There's the Governor making towards the door and Mrs.

"That is exactly it, Betty Jo," she told herself sadly; "you love him because he tries so hard to keep himself from loving you." And thus Betty Jo proved the correctness of Auntie Sue's loving estimate of her character and justified the dear old teacher's faith in the sterling quality of her womanhood.

Judy," said Brian in a low voice; "don't worry Auntie Sue." "I ain't aimin' ter worry her none," returned the mountain girl; "but I'll bet you-all a pretty that this here gal'll worry both of youuns 'fore you are through with her; me, too, I reckon." For some reason, Auntie Sue's letter to Betty Jo seemed to be rather long.

I guess Sue meant that her doll slipped out of her arms, for dolls can't jump at least not unless they have a spring wound up inside them, like an alarm clock, and Sue's doll wasn't that kind. "Stop the boat, Bunker! Row back!" cried Mr. Brown. "Sue's doll fell overboard, and we don't want to lose her!"

Phillotson," she said decisively. Sue's kind hostess now returned from church, and there was no more intimate conversation. Jude left in the afternoon, hopelessly unhappy. But he had seen her, and sat with her. Such intercourse as that would have to content him for the remainder of his life. The lesson of renunciation it was necessary and proper that he, as a parish priest, should learn.

There is no doubt that but for the advent of that mysterious personality into Acol village, the deep friendship which had grown in Sue's heart for Richard Lambert would have warmed into a more passionate attachment. But she was too young to reflect, too impulsive to analyze her feelings.

Then she helped the customer match her sample until she had what she wanted. "How much is it?" asked the lady, taking out her purse. Here was Sue's trouble she did not know exactly, and she did not want to go ask Mrs. Golden, for the storekeeper might be sleeping. To call her might make her head suddenly ache worse.

Somehow, when the whole plan developed, there was a little sudden shrinking on Sue's part, perhaps on similar grounds to Sin Saxon's perception of insurmountable obstacles; but she was shyer than Sin of putting forth her objections, and the general zeal and delight, and Martha's longing look, unconscious of cause why not, carried the day.

Brown, as she walked slowly across her lawn toward the house next door. "'Cause they have a nice dog named Dix, and he and Splash are good friends. First they sort of growled at each other, and then they smelled noses and now they always wag their tails when they meet." "Well, that's a good sign," laughed Sue's mother.