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Updated: August 1, 2024

He stumped along doggedly, revolving the whole affair in his mind, and by the time he arrived at the Wattle Tree Hotel he had firmly persuaded himself that Villiers was dead, and that Vandeloup had committed the crime at the instigation of Mrs Villiers.

"It scared the life out of Gussie," he said; then, with sudden angry gravity, "These people that poke their noses into other people's business ought to be thrashed. Well, I'm going over to see Mrs. North." And off he stumped, leaving Cyrus staring after him, open-mouthed. If Mary North had been at home, she would have met him with all the agonized courage of shyness and a good conscience.

"Why, because it IS the mumps. That's what it starts with." "Well, ther' ain't no sense in it. A body might stump his toe, and take pison, and fall down the well, and break his neck, and bust his brains out, and somebody come along and ask what killed him, and some numskull up and say, 'Why, he stumped his TOE. Would ther' be any sense in that? NO. And ther' ain't no sense in THIS, nuther.

Brute does not put me in the cactus." "And why should he lie?" asked Goat blandly. This stumped Adam for a minute. Then he brightened. "Brute wants to be bigger and stronger than Adam," he said. "Brute knows Adam is bigger and stronger than Brute, Brute does not like this. He tells you lies so you will think Brute is bigger and stronger than Adam."

"It's like pickin' up a stockin' full of wet mud and walkin' along hopin' that you'll meet the man you want to swat with it. I'm goin' to pick him up." He stumped off the piazza and followed Mr. Bodge. And Hiram, stopping to relight his cigar, went along, too, reflecting that when a man has plenty of time on his hands he can afford to spend a little of it on the gratification of curiosity.

I did not like to be so companioned: I withdrew my hand, but touched his elbow with a motion, as if from his low bow I had supposed him falling, and would have helped him up A sad slip, it might have been! said I. A mad girl! smiled it off my mother. He was quite put out; took his horse-bridle, stumped back, back, back, bowing, till he run against his servant. I laughed. He mounted his horse.

There, turn into my bed in the room through there. Your men shall have rugs in the other room there, till their clothes are dry." Where was our Christmas dinner all this time? That had the caboose to itself, and Bambo every now and then stumped off to see how it was going on, Miss Deborah also occasionally looking in for the same purpose.

Small wonder was it that the inquiring faces that turned toward each other were a trifle whiter than usual. "What do you make of it, Pete?" asked Jack. "Stumped, by the big horn spoon!" was the expressive response. "No doubt, some natural phenomena, with a simple explanation," came from the professor.

I don't often see a gentleman in this dawg-gorn country, and when I do I know how to treat him." He wouldn't listen to me, but stumped off down the stairs. As he went I heard him murmuring to himself: "Gee! but we surely fooled those Deutschers some!" I drank this admirable fellow's cocoa; I warmed myself at his fire.

I knew the gang what had put him there, an' I knew that his chances for gettin' out were about as good as if he was in his grave. I was stumped an' I knew it; so I sez to Piker: "Piker, you may think that I'm allus as gentle as I've been with you; but if this ain't the truth you've told me I'll get your life if I have to track you bare-footed through hell."

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