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Well do I remember the whole course of these royal play-goings. The theatre was of an inconvenient form, with very sharp angles at the junctions of the centre with the sides. The stage-box, and the whole of the left or O.P. side of the lower tier, were appropriated to royalty. The house would fill at about half-past six. At seven, precisely, Mr.

It is a love resembling the affection of the stage-box for a set of favourite performers, and Patrick, a Celt who had schooled his wits to observe and meditate, understood his position with them as one of the gallant and amusing race, as well as the reason why he had won their private esteem.

He wheeled to the left, to where the stage-box, shrouded in brown holland, loomed ghostly. 'No, said Kloot, 'that door's got stuck. You must come round by the stage-door. Pinchas retraced his footsteps, barking the smooth remainder of his shins. He allowed himself a palpitating pause before the lobby posters. His blood chilled.

So, if the reader care to follow me to my stage-box, I imagine he will hardly see the curtain rise upon just the Venice of his dreams the Venice of Byron, of Rogers, and Cooper; or upon the Venice of his prejudices the merciless Venice of Daru, and of the historians who follow him.

The dawn was at hand when he went to his cabin for a bath, and in half an hour he came back to the hotel for breakfast, looking little like a man who had passed the night over a gambling-table. He was dressed in his best, was well armed, and coming out from a hearty breakfast lighted a cigar, and mounted to the stage-box at a single bound, an act that gained for him a cheer upon his agility.

'Have a box, my Lord? he said, when he saw me, and he took off his hat with an air of gorgeous servility. There was something about him, Harry, that amused me. He was such a monster. You will laugh at me, I know, but I really went in and paid a whole guinea for the stage-box.

He must take a stage-box where one may be almost invisible, and if the Countess should still not wish to go, he would have Annette accompanied by her father and the Duchess. In that case, he would have to offer his box to the Duchess. But then he would be obliged to invite the Marquis! He hesitated and reflected a long time. Certainly, the marriage was decided upon; no doubt the date was settled.

A week later, I think it was, Bat Masquerier telephoned to me to come to the Trefoil. 'It's your turn now, he said. 'I'm not asking Ollyett. Come to the stage-box. I went, and, as Bat's guest, was received as Royalty is not. We sat well back and looked out on the packed thousands.

She imagined that love and duty had combined successfully to deceive him on one solitary point. She was sure that he was deceived. But she was wrong. One evening they were at the theatre alone together. It was a musical comedy, and they had a large stage-box. May sat a little behind. After having been darkened for a scenic conjuring trick, the stage was very suddenly thrown into brilliant light.

Well do I remember your musing eye and thoughtful brow bent kindly on me from the stage-box yonder: and do you recollect how prettily you used to moralise on the deserted scenes when the play was over? And you sometimes waited on these very boards to escort me home. Those times have changed. Heigh-ho!" "Ay, Fanny, we have passed through new worlds of feeling since then.