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Even in the terrible crisis of 1672, when the whole Delta of the Rhine was overrun by the French armies, when the white flags were seen from the top of the Stadthouse, there was one place where, amidst the general consternation and confusion, tranquillity and order were still to be found; and that place was the Bank.

Kate then revealed to Giles that she had heard Cornelis and Sybrandt mention Gerard's name; and being herself in great anxiety at his not coming home all day, had listened at their door, and had made a fearful discovery. Gerard was in prison, in the haunted tower of the Stadthouse. He was there, it seemed, by their father's authority.

It seemed hard if he might not enjoy the world a little before separating himself from it for life. The night before he went, Margaret Van Eyck asked him to take a letter for her, and when he came to look at it, to his surprise he found it was addressed to the Princess Marie, at the Stadthouse in Rotterdam.

So hearing a young man say to his fellow that the Duke had been in the meadow, but was gone to the Stadthouse to entertain the burgomasters and aldermen and the competitors for the prizes, and their friends, he suddenly remembered he was hungry, and should like to sup with a prince. He left the river-side, and this time he found the Hooch Straet, and it speedily led him to the Stadthouse.

The brothers assented, took the letter, and went to the hostelry. They had not been gone a minute, when Dierich Brower issued from the Stadthouse, and followed them. He had his orders not to let them out of his sight till the true letter was in his master's hands. He watched outside the hostelry. He had not long to wait. They came out almost immediately, with downcast looks.

Dierich made up to them. "Too late!" they cried; "too late! He is gone." "Gone? How long?" "Scarce five minutes. Cursed chance!" "You must go back to the burgomaster at once," said Dierich Brower. "To what end?" "No matter; come!" and he hurried them to the Stadthouse. Ghysbrecht Van Swieten was not the man to accept a defeat. "Well," said he, on hearing the ill news, "suppose he is gone.

The wealth which was collected within five miles of the Stadthouse of Amsterdam would purchase the fee simple of Scotland. And why should this be? Was there any reason to believe that nature had bestowed on the Phoenician, on the Venetian, or on the Hollander, a larger measure of activity, of ingenuity, of forethought, of self command, than on the citizen of Edinburgh or Glasgow?

They were therefore at my desire examined, and afterwards made affidavit before the governor and council at the Stadthouse. My officers complaining to me of the unreasonableness of some tradesmen's bills I spoke to the Sabandar. A bill of 51 dollars for five hats he reduced to 30 dollars and in other articles made proportionable deductions.

"I'll stay that; ay, by force, if need be as I would his hand lifted to cut his throat. I'd do what old John Koestein did t'other day." "And what is that, in Heaven's name?" asked the mother, suddenly removing her apron. It was the burgomaster who replied: "He made me shut young Albert Koestein up in the prison of the Stadthouse till he knocked under.

It was but for a minute; but in that minute he saw a sight such as none but a captive can appreciate. Martin Wittenhaagen's back. Martin was sitting, quietly fishing in the brook near the Stadthouse. Gerard sprang again at the window, and whistled. Martin instantly showed that he was watching much harder than fishing.