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Instead of that there was usually a feeble splutter from the nozzle, and sometimes none at all, even if the hose did not break; it was fun to see the hose break. The Neptune was a favorite with the boys, though they believed that the Tremont could squirt farther, and they had a belief in its quiet efficiency which was fostered by its reticence in public.

His face wrinkled up into a horrible scowl, and what he was going to say I don't know, but just then his hand clutched the horseshoe and he gave a shout of pain, dropped the squirt and the horseshoe, whipped round as quick as any young man could, and was off round the corner of the shed before I had really taken in what was happening.

When Mr Culpepper went down into the steward's room, Tommy reconnoitred, and then came into the berth and filled his squirt. Although I would not join him, I thought I might as well see what was going on and therefore descended the cockpit ladder soon after Tommy, keeping out of the way in the foremost part of the cockpit, where it was quite dark.

Here was a little squirt of a high-school girl who would trot up to George Washington himself and show off around him, given the opportunity; and George Washington would probably pat her on the head, or give her a medal or something. Well, let him! Ramsey didn't care. He didn't care for George Washington, or Paul Revere, or Shakespeare, or any of 'em.

It was the old war song of the organization, product of a quarter-century of rip-roaring defiance, crystallized from the lyrics of the hard-fisted. They let the bass drums accent for them. "Here wec-come from old Sy-myrna Here wec-come with Hecly One; She's the prunes for a squirt, gol durn her We've come down for fight or fun. Shang, de-rango! We're the bo-kay, Don't giveadam for no one no way.

I hate to appear boorish, but I must remind you that these jacks are mine, that the four little kegs of water that they're carrying are mine, that this mozo I beg your pardon that this Indian is mine, and lastly forgive me if I ascend once more into the realm of romance and improbability this country is mine, and I love it, and I won't have it profaned by any growling, dyspeptic little squirt from a land where they have pie for breakfast.

"Considering she has only known your brother since Wednesday, and only met your father and mother at a stray hotel " "Could you possibly lower your voice? The shopman will overhear." "Esprit de classe" if one may coin the phrase was strong in Mrs. Munt. She sat quivering while a member of the lower orders deposited a metal funnel, a saucepan, and a garden squirt beside the roll of oilcloth.

The servant had brought in a small table with syphons and spirits, and had set a lamp upon it. 'Help yourself, said the vicar. "I poured out a dose of whisky and was lifting it for a squirt of soda when all at once I saw Fear; not apprehension, not foreboding, but FEAR the glass fell from my hand and my fingers sagged on the handle of the syphon.

I'll get down in the cockpit in the dark, and squirt at the candle the water will put it out, and he'll send the steward for another light, and then I'll try and get some." It was not a bad plan, but still I refused to join in it, as it was only the work of one person, and not two. I pointed that out to him and he agreed with me, saying that he would do it himself.

"I went out to Keldale House first and then out to you. I next interviewed Sir Malcolm." "Interviewed Malcolm Cromarty!" exclaimed Ned. "Where?" "He came up to see me," explained Carrington easily, "and the gentleman had scarcely spoken six sentences before I shared your opinion of him, Mr. Cromarty a squirt but not homicidal. He gave me, however, one very interesting piece of information.