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Updated: August 2, 2024

The fall of snowflakes in a still air, preserving to each crystal its perfect form; the blowing of sleet over a wide sheet of water, and over plains; the waving rye-fields; the mimic waving of acres of houstonia, whose innumerable florets whiten and ripple before the eye; the reflections of trees and flowers in glassy lakes; the musical steaming odorous south wind, which converts all trees to wind-harps; the crackling and spurting of hemlock in the flames; or of pine-logs, which yield glory to the walls and faces in the sitting-room, these are the music and pictures of the most ancient religion.

Throughout all continues the firing from the plain; the bullets hurtle around our heads, and the clamour of our foemen reaches our ears with fierce thrilling import. We hear the crackling of faggots, and the spurting hissing noise of many fires; but perceive no blaze only the thick smoke rising in continuous waves, and every moment growing denser around us.

Only one of their mounts was tolerably fresh, the one which had once already almost overtaken us. As we neared the top of the slope, Hilda, glancing behind her, exclaimed, with a sudden thrill, "He is spurting again, Hubert!" I drew my revolver and held it in my right hand, using my left for steering. I did not look back; time was far too precious. I set my teeth hard.

The blood, instead of spurting from the knife wounds, oozed forth thick and sluggishly; whereupon Dick, without a second's hesitation, applied his lips to the gashes, which were close together, and sucked strongly for about a quarter of an hour, spitting out the blood which gradually began to flow a little more freely.

The wind being off shore, the sloop was heeling the other way, showing quite a portion of her black hull, which was in strong contrast with her glistening white sides and snowy sails. The water was spurting away from her bows, showing white along the black side below her water line all in all, an inspiring sight to the lover of boats and the big water. "Hurrah, see her go!

There was a ripping sound of flesh, a human scream, a creak of riving wood, and Corporal O'Flynn lay face downward on the ground, freed, but with the shaft still in his arm, the blood spurting from it, and the wolf plunging and snarling unheeded at the very hair of his head. With a great effort Hamish dragged O'Flynn, who was a heavy, muscular fellow, out of the reach of the wolf.

It is like a shower-bath now." Daddy Blake found the faucet, by which he could shut off the water at the stationary wash-tubs, and then, when it had stopped spurting from the burst pipe, he called to Hal and Mab: "Now you may come and see how strong ice is. Not only does it burst glass bottles, but it will even crack an iron pipe."

Heath was spurting; Collingwood passed Bolton, but in doing so did not lessen Heath’s lead—a lead of fully fifteen yards. So they came to the last turn, to the long straight-away home-stretch; and the crowd clustered by the finish broke and ran up alongside the track to meet them. Every one was yelling wildlyone name or another—“Corinthian!” “Pythian!” “Heath!” “Collingwood!”

Perry's face expressed blank amazement as he pushed his right sleeve up and gazed at a wound from which the blood was spurting. "Gosh," he said awedly, "I'm shot!" "I should think so!" cried Phil. "Come on down and let me fix it." "What is it?" asked Steve anxiously. "Perry's hit in the arm. They must have shot along the side, and the bullet glanced from something. Come on, Perry."

The butt of his quirt was uplifted. It swung above his head a full half-circle, then it descended with that whistling split of the air that told of the rage and force that impelled it. It took the giant square across the face, laying the flesh open and sending the blood spurting with its vicious impact.

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