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Updated: August 20, 2024

Well, sir, honest that liver medicine made me dance a jig on the viaduct bridge, and an old soldier from the soldiers' home came along and asked us what was the matter, and we told him about our livers, and the liver medicine, and showed him the bottle, and he said he sposed he had the worst liver in the world, and said the doctors at the home, couldn't cure him.

'John, where is His Royal Highness? John said he had a took hup His Roilighnessesses shaving-water, and his clothes and things, and he wasn't in his room, which he sposed His Royliness was just stepped trout. 'Stepped out before breakfast in the snow! Impossible! says the King, sticking his fork into a sausage. 'My dear, take one.

Miriam burst out laughing. "Mike," she cried, "nobody is going to get married here." Mike's eyes glistened. "That so, sure?" he said. "You see, Miss Miriam, you an' your brother is both so 'tractive, that I sort o' 'sposed you might be thinkin' of gittin' married, an' if that was so, I couldn't go to Seraphina, an' git her to come here when things wasn't fixed an' settled."

And each time Tenney returned shortly, and they were sure his going was a blind. He never went to the street, and even Charlotte remarked the strangeness of his short absences. "What under the sun makes Isr'el Tenney start out an' turn round an' come back ag'in?" she inquired of Jerry. "He ain't gone twenty minutes 'fore he's home." Jerry didn't know. He "'sposed Isr'el forgot suthin'."

"Is it I? I didn't mane nothin' at all: it warn't I as said it or as war ever a going to do it." "What did you suppose was the meaning of those who did make use of the phrase?" "I 'sposed the boys did mane to get rid of the Captain out of the counthry; jist that, yer honour." "But how did you suppose they were to get rid of him?"

"`There's hundreds o' tons loose, says the old the ganger, you know; `and we shall never get in that way. He stopped to think, but it made me mad, for I knowed you must be in there, and I began digging again, wondering how it was that Juno hadn't found you before, and 'sposed the sand didn't hold the scent, or else the rabbits up above 'tracted her away.

And I shall soon have more," added Dotty, with a great effort to be cheerful; "for people are always dropping pins." "I've got any quantity of scrip," pursued Jennie; "and I don't have to work for it, either." "O, dear," thought Dotty, "what's the use to be good? I 'sposed if I gave away my money cheerfully, they'd all feel ashamed of themselves; but they don't!

I was between sixteen and seventeen when I enlisted in the war. "'Why did you enlist? "I didn't know no better. I thought I would be took care of. They told us the war was sposed to set the darkies free. My old master didn't want me to go cose not. But they was very good to me. I regard them just the same as myself. "I enlisted in the 55th regiment of colored soldiers.

"Thank you, Dinah, you have done your best, no doubt; don't sell my ring, though; I shall want it back some day." "La, chile, I done 'sposed ob it aready, an' dey give me a poun of backer an' a gole-piece fur it. It was good gole an' no mistake. I tells you all," adding aloud, "an' now, Miss Mirim, I has tole you ebbery syllable. I disremembered ob dat speritual ar.

He stopped in frunt ov Abraham Lincoln & says very sharp & cross: "Boy, where did you come from?" Abe diddent say nothin'. His ize got all white, he grinned sort ov scared like, showed his white teeth, & looked sickly over at me. I spoke up & says: "I brung him along with me from Murfreesboro'." "So I sposed," said he. "He's a slave you're tryin 2 steal from his master. You can't do it.

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