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Updated: August 5, 2024

Why, we'll never be able to manage it." "Arrah, why, woman; what do they want but their skinful to eat and dhrink, and I'm sure we're able to allow them that, any way?" "Arrah, bad manners to me, but you're enough to vex a saint 'their skinful to eat and dhrink! you common crathur you, to speak that way of the clargy, as if it was ourselves or the laborers you war spaking of."

Do you think a poor child is going fasting for ever?" "What's that?" shouted the familiar voice again. "Was it herself you were spaking to in the dairy loft, Grannie?" "Who else, man?" said Grannie, and then there was a general tumult. "Aw, the joy! Aw, the delight! Gough bless me, Grannie, I was thinking she was for spaking no more."

Have you good grammar for that?" "And did you never hear of detraction?" replied his opponent; "that is, a man who's in the habit of spaking falsehoods of his friends whin their backs are turned that is to say, whin they are absent.

Oh, wurrah sthrew! wurrah sthrew! what'll become of us! Dick, agra, says she, crying, 'Dick, acushla machree, don't you hear, me spaiking to you! don't you hear your poor broken-hearted mother spaking to you? Oh! wurrah! wurrah! amn't I the heart-brokenest crathur that's alive this day, to see the likes of such doings! but I knew it would come to this!

Denis, avick machree! avick machree!* your hand was dreaded, and a good right it had, for it was the manly hand, that was ever and always raised in defence of them that wanted a friend; abroad, in the faction-fight, against the oppressor, your name was ever feared, acushla? but at home at home where was your fellow Denis, agrah, do you know the lips that's spaking to you? your young bride your heart's light Oh!

It's me that's ould enough, and willing too, to be to you in place o' yer own father, Heaven rest his sowl; but he's gone to a better counthree than this sinful world. An' yer own good, child, is what I think on in spaking to you of Miss Annie and the heretics generally. It's not for meself, shure, that me prayers go up at the could midnight hour whin ye're all sleeping in quiet.

Mr O'Donaghan entered, a tall, thick-whiskered personage, in a shabby-genteel dress, evidently not made for him, a pair of white cotton gloves, and a small stick. "I believe that I have the honour of spaking to the gentleman who crossed over the street about two hours ago?"

That may do very well for Masther Thady, but by the powers, it'll not do for me!" "Well, you can be spaking to him yourself to-morrow." "Yes, but you must be getting him jist to come out, and spake to us; jist dhraw him out a bit, you know." "Well then, boys, I've said as much to the Masther already, and he expects to meet you up there."

Well, you see, my dear, when the Pope found he couldn't hould a candle to Father Tom in theology and logic, he thought he'd take the shine out ov him in Latin anyhow; so says he, "Misther Maguire," says he, "I quite agree wid you that it's not lucky for us to be spaking on them deep subjects in sich langidges as the evil spirits is acquainted wid; and," says he, "I think it 'ud be no harm for us to spake from this out in Latin," says he, "for fraid the devil 'ud undherstand what we are saying."

"It was kinder dark in the other room, and there he was, laying in his night-gownd, with his face turned towards me, so, looking mighty severe-like, jest as if he was a-going to say, 'It's late with the milk ye are, ye hussy! a way he had of spaking." "But he didn't spake, Molly darlin'?" "Niver a word. He was stone dead, don't you see.

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