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He was repellant to Grant, who could not and perhaps did not desire to understand him.... To him the Southerners were always the red-faced, swashbuckling slave-drivers he had fancied and pictured them in the days of his abolition oratory.

He wuz killed, bekase he b'lieved this whole country belonged ter the men who'd fit fur hit an' made hit what hit is, an' thet hit wuzn't a plantation fur a passel o' slave-drivers ter boss an' divide up jess ez hit suited 'em." "Why, I thought all you Kentuckians were strongly in favor of keeping the negores in slavery," said Harry in amazement.

"You are always thoughtful," she murmured. "My dear lady, mine is the honour. And if you do not care, can't we hear the music of your young man " he smiled, she thought, acidly "here? If I sit outside, the world will say we have to be careful of our unsmirched reputations we poor critics and slave-drivers of the deaf." She drew her hand gently away.

After shrewdly filling his coffers with profits from Northern business-transactions, he now turns about, kicks his old friends, who always half suspected his knavish propensities, bows, cap in hand, to visionary cotton-bales, and hopes to turn some honest pounds, shillings, and pence by advocating the slave-drivers' rebellion.

No, they would do nothing except weep over their dead and the burnt kraals. 'You cowards, I said, 'if you will not come, then I must go alone. At the least let some of you pass up the river and search for Mavoom, to tell him what has chanced here in his house. "The men said that they would do this, and taking a blanket and a little food, I followed upon the track of the slave-drivers.

The immense majority around me seems to be satisfied. Well, well; I wait, and prefer to judge and to admire when actions will speak. I am sure that a great drama will be played, equal to any one known in history, and that the insurrection of the slave-drivers will not end in smoke. So I now decide to keep a diary in my own way.

I do not care for the acquaintance of slave-drivers, I have no wish to offer them hospitality. The world is large and it belongs to other people, and one has to endure much when one walks abroad; but this house is my own place, a little spot all my own, and I cherish it.

On each flank of the gang march overseers armed with swords and rattans that would be quick to descend on the back and loins of any shirker. In its lower division two or three of these slave-drivers may be seen with their hands raised against the workmen; in one case the latter sinks to the ground beneath the blows rained upon him.

If I had my way I'd teach those slave-drivers " and he buried the knife in the yielding ham, "that " "They did just right to hang him," interrupted John. "Brown was a fanatic, and ought to have stayed at home. No one is stronger than the law. That's where old Ossawatomie Brown made a mistake." Everybody was entitled to express his or her opinion in this house except the dear old mother.

We should have Dillon and O'Brien and their crew again leading their ignorant countrymen to the treadmill, while the true culprits stalked the streets wearing lemon-coloured kid gloves purchased with the hard-earned and slowly-accumulated cents of Irish-American slaveys. The Protestants would be denounced as the blackest, cruellest, most callous slave-drivers on God's earth.