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"Of course Margaret no doubt told you she came here one day for her singing-lesson, and Mr. Brand called for his little boy. It was the first time they had seen each other." "And how often have they met here since, may I ask?" "Never again, Lady Caroline." "I was of course to blame in letting my daughter go out without a chaperon," said Lady Caroline, disagreeably.

Penelope had to go to Edless, for it was one of her singing-lesson days, and Esther, jealous, angry, wretched, had watched her start, envying her and full of wrath. She herself had not been to Edless for a fortnight, and she had lately felt shy about going again after such a long neglect. She wondered what Mademoiselle was thinking of her.

"I thought there was a perfectly definite understanding between you?" "So you trot tactfully away when he comes? Nice of you, Penny." "It's not in the least 'nice' of me," retorted the other. "I happen to be giving a singing-lesson at half-past five, that's all." After a pause she added tentatively: "Nan, why don't you take some pupils? It means hard cash."

Her friends her two chief friends, to whom her vow of friendship and service had been sworn were, in some inexplicable manner, alienated from her. Margaret came regularly for her singing-lesson, but never lingered to talk as she had done at first. She seemed pensive, languid, preoccupied. Wyvis Brand had left off calling for little Julian, except on rare occasions.

You wait for me to lie in my coffin to pounce on the strongbox you think me the fool to toss to a young donkey ready to ruin all his belongings for you! For nine-and-twenty years you've sucked the veins of my family, and struck through my house like a rotting-disease. Nine-and-twenty years ago you gave a singing-lesson in my house: the pest has been in it ever since!

I have, therefore, made my evening toilet in the afternoon, and thereby gained time to take my dear singing-lesson. But now let us study, so that your pupil may redound to your honor." "Oh, your majesty," ejaculated Himmel, "my honor and my happiness!" "Hush, hush," said Louisa, interrupting him, with an enchanting smile, "no flattery! no court-phrases!

"What are you doing?" he asked, with the freedom of a familiarity reaching back over long years. He shortened his step to keep time with hers, which she at the same moment lengthened. "I have been for my singing-lesson." "And where are you going?" "Home." "I haven't seen you for ages." "You haven't come. One never sees you, one never meets you anywhere any more."

You wait for me to lie in my coffin to pounce on the strongbox you think me the fool to toss to a young donkey ready to ruin all his belongings for you! For nine-and-twenty years you've sucked the veins of my family, and struck through my house like a rotting- disease. Nine-and-twenty years ago you gave a singing-lesson in my house: the pest has been in it ever since!

After this singing-lesson was over it was nearly eleven o'clock, but up to this time Edgar had shown no realizing sense of his engagements. "The dinner is over, and the theatre party is safe," thought Polly. "Now comes the 'tug of war, that mysterious game of billiards." But Mrs. Oliver was equal to the occasion. When Edgar looked at his watch, she said: "Polly, run and get Mrs.

He would call on her as his patient, and satisfy himself at once how things were between them. At best they had taken a bad turn. He judged it better, however, to let a day or two pass. When he did call, he was shown into the drawing-room, where he found Helen at the piano, and Juliet having a singing-lesson from her. Till then he had never heard Juliet's song voice.