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It was no time for shilly shally, for the balance of this and that, or for a man with blood and muscle to pat his nose and ponder. If I left my Lorna so; if I let those black-soul'd villains work their pleasure on my love; if the heart that clave to mine could find no vigour in it then let maidens cease from men, and rest their faith in tabby-cats.

The fat and fair Widow Flanagan had, at length, given up shilly- shallying, and yielding to the fervent entreaties of Tom Durfy, had consented to name the happy day. She would have some little ways of her own about it, however, and instead of being married in the country, insisted on the nuptial knot being tied in Dublin.

It was no time for shilly shally, for the balance of this and that, or for a man with blood and muscle to pat his nose and ponder. If I left my Lorna so; if I let those black-soul'd villains work their pleasure on my love; if the heart that clave to mine could find no vigour in it then let maidens cease from men, and rest their faith in tabby-cats.

"And as to young ladies themselves," continued Mrs Belfield, "they know no more how to make their minds known than a baby does: so I suppose he'll shilly shally till somebody else will cry snap, and take her. It is but a little while ago that it was all the report she was to have young Mr Delvile, one of her guardian's sons."

She threw it in my teeth that I ought to marry Polly." "Then she did not accept you?" "By George! no; anything but that. She is one of those women who, as I fancy, never take a man at the first offer. It isn't that they mean to shilly and shally and make a fuss, but there's a sort of majesty about them which instinctively declines to yield itself.

He himself, my lord, is a physical wreck from cobbler's weak chest. His submission is that he is of Mongolian extraction and irresponsible for his actions. Not all there, in fact. Li li poo lil chile Blingee pigfoot evly night Payee two shilly... By Hades, I will not have any client of mine gagged and badgered in this fashion by a pack of curs and laughing hyenas.

"If it were necessary, I hope I could; but I'd rather not hear " "Pooh, nonsense," interrupted Holloway, "you must hear it; I'll trust to your honour; and, besides, I have not a moment to stand shilly shally: I've got a promise from my father to let me go down, this Easter, with Lord Rawson, to Marryborough, in his dog-cart, randem-tandem, you know."

And so do you see me, I expect to have the handlin ont But that's a nether here nor there. Sir Arthur as good as said it to me So don't a stand like a Gabriel Gallymaufry all a mort, shilly shally, I would if I durst A dip in the skimmin dish and a lick of the fingur That's a not the way with a maiden What! A don't I know? Make up to Missee, and say to her, Missee!

An' then I remembered 'ow often 'e'd tol' me things thet seemed too 'istorical for sich as 'im to come by honest, tales about blokes in 'istory nanecdotes 'e'd use to pass acrost about Admiral Nelson, or Queen Bess she use to make 'im chuckle, she did an' a chap called Shilly or Shally, 'oo was drownded.

"But that's where it is; you know young men, and what they are, a deal better than I do; and you can understand that a young man may propose to a girl, and be accepted, and afterwards shilly shally about it, and perhaps at last change his mind altogether merely because the girl's friends don't take care that the affair is regularly and properly carried on; now isn't that so, Mrs. McKeon?"