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Then buke him gentle Gawayne, Said, "Lady, that's but a shill; Because thou art mine own lady Thou shalt have all thy will." And his courtesy broke the spell of the stepdame, as the lady related "She witched me, being a fair young lady, To the green forest to dwell, And there must I walk in woman's likeness, Most like a fiend in hell."

"Ta Heelan hills are high, high, high, An' ta Heelan miles are long; But, then, my freens, rememper you, Ta Heelan whisky's strong, strong, strong! Ta Heelan whisky's strong, "And who shall care for ta length o' ta mile, Or who shall care for ta hill, If he shall have, 'fore he teukit ta way, In him's cheek one Heelan shill? In him's cheek one Heelan shill?

I thought Phil was in the house, and I tried to call him, but I couldn't remember his name. I got mixed up with the Philip on the shilling, and I kept yelling, Shill! Philling! Shilling! and I couldn't make him understand. He wouldn't come!" As she picked up the corner of the sheet to wipe her eyes Mrs.

Be the crass! he's all shill, boys. Och, mother o' Moses! I can't find a saft spot in him!" We climbed out upon the parapet, and the soldiers commenced wiping their wet guns. Clayley appeared at this moment, filing round the pond at the head of the detachment. As I explained the adventure to the lieutenant, he laughed heartily.

What he said, as nearly as I can recall it, was as follows: "Befo' I pernounces de benediction, I wants ter 'spress de thanks o' dis chu'ch ter de 'oner'ble visitor wha' set 'isse'f so modes' in de las' pew dis evenin', an' den sen' up de bigges' conterbutiom, fulfillin' de words o' de Scripture, which say de las' shill be fus' an' de fus' shill be las'.

Ef you'll des say de word, I kin turn yer ter w'ateber yer wanter be, en yer kin stay right whar yer wanter, ez long ez yer mineter. "Sandy say he doan keer; he's willin' fer ter do anythin' fer ter stay close ter Tenie. Den Tenie ax 'im ef he doan wanter be turnt inter a rabbit. "Sandy say, 'No, de dogs mout git atter me. "'Shill I turn yer ter a wolf? sez Tenie.

"Yes," cries Western, "but if I had suffered her to stand shill I shall I, dilly dally, you might not have had that honour yet a while; I was forced to use a little fatherly authority to bring her to." "I hope not, sir," cries Allworthy, "I hope there is not the least constraint." "Why, there," cries Western, "you may bid her unsay all again if you will.

'I am the Way, he said meaning the way lies through me; and you may come to me in the place I go to prepare for you, if only you believe in God and me. Men and brethren, our Lord was true to his mission, and wise in the wisdom of his Father." At this the hermit in front of the preacher, uttering a shill cry, spread his arms abroad, and quivered from head to foot.

That's why you've got to pay three shill " "Yes, yes. You said all that. Then I shall go and explore the village." I explored, as Napoleon would have done, and I came back with a plan. "There is no horse," I said to my eager audience; "but I have found a bicycle.

"Now, Mandy, yer know ther scripter reads thet Canyon was the son er Ham an wus cussed bekase his daddy laffed at ole Noey, bekase when he layed down ter sleep he didn't pull the kivver on his self proper like. When de ole man woke up the tother boys tole him what Ham hed done, he cussed Canyon Ham's son, and sed sarvant of sarvants shill he be.