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"She died of pneumonia," said Tom impassively. "I was " "Gimme that plate!" his brother interrupted. But this roused Tom. He seemed to feel that his possession of the plate was a badge of innocence. "I got to keep it," he said; "it's " "Shh!" his brother interrupted. "Somebody's coming; don't move and keep your mouth shut! It's the second shift of stokers!"

"You're the one that's mixed up," Pee-wee shouted, "and anyway size doesn't count. You can you can steal things if you're you're only a foot high if you want to and " "How about all this, Peter?" asked his friend confidentially. "I'll tell you," Pee-wee shouted; "I had a lot of adventures, I know two men that have, shh, they have dead ones to their credit!

"I suppose likely 'twould be, but it wouldn't be right Marcellus asked us to do this thing for him and " "Jumpin' Judas! ASKED us! Do you mean to say you're thinkin' of doin' what he asked? Are you loony, too? Are you " "Shh, Shadrach! He asked us, as a last favor, to take charge of his girl. I feel as you do that we can't do it, 'tain't sensible nor possible for us to do it, but "

She watched little groups of men and women form in front of the judge. Then they went away and other groups came. The lawyer had said not to worry. Just wait for Blanche's name and then come right up. Not to worry. "Shh, Paula, shh! Da-ah-ah-ah " There was Blanche coming out of the door. She looked bad. Her face. Oh, yes, poor girl, she worked too hard. But what could she do? Only work.

Stick your flashlight here, quick; here's our chance." Warde held the collar of the poor threadbare coat close to Roy's light. There, on the inside was sewn a little cloth square on which was printed: DOMINION CLOTHING CO. QUEBEC, CANADA. "I see," Roy whispered, not knowing what he said. "Give me the light and wait a second shh," said Warde.

Even took away what he had; and that old, whiskered Mexican says he up and borrowed that from him!" "That's a criminal act," explained McBain exultantly, as he signaled L. W. to be calm. "Shh, not so loud, the girl might hear you. Let him go, and hold it over his head." "No, I'll kill the dastard!" howled L. W. rebelliously and slammed the door in a rage.

"Yes, she did, Ruth," Blue Bonnet insisted. "I heard it, too." "You did?" "Yes shh there! You heard it then, didn't you?" All admitted that they did hear some sort of a sound and sat with bated breath. "It's a rat or a mouse! Oh, see there it goes look, behind that big brown trunk!" The appearance of Fraulein accompanied by Miss North could scarcely have caused greater confusion.

It'll be dreadful hard to give her up to somebody else, but if that somebody is a good man, kind and straight and honest, why, I for one will try not to complain. But, Oh, Shadrach! Suppose he should turn out to be the other thing. Suppose SHE makes the mistake that I " His friend interrupted. "Shh! shh!" he broke in, quickly. "Don't talk so, Zoeth.

His nerves were on edge as he wriggled far enough through to peer about in the dark outside. "Anyway, your head has escaped," said Archer. "Shh," whispered Tom. Far down the side of the long fence he could see a little glint bobbing in the darkness. "Shh," he whispered. "I don't know which way he's going. Keep your feet still."

It's these jelly-fish that go camping with a whole savings bank in their pockets and no shovel to dig a drain ditch with that's the kind that think about money! You make me sick. Turn your pockets inside out, Alf, and let them see what you've got go ahead!" All the while Mr. Ellsworth kept saying, "Shh, shh, Roy," but what did I care? Even he couldn't stop me.