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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Oh, please don't scold me just now!" said Kitty, with a little gasp; "wait until he comes." "Until who comes?" "Father. I am expecting him by this train." "I am relieved at that," said Miss Sherrard. "I shall have a painful tale to tell him." "So you may, Miss Sherrard. You may tell him everything; but please let me tell him my story first. You must, you shall; I insist."

"Elma," she said, "if you indulge in pertness I shall wash my hands of you. Now, here we are. Have the goodness to ring the bell." The great school door was opened presently by a neat-looking maid-servant, and Mrs. Steward inquired in a tart voice if Miss Sherrard was in." "She is, ma'am," replied the girl; "but she is particularly engaged at this moment.

"We have just nice time to go across to the school, and then after we have seen Miss Sherrard to return here for you to pack your things. What do you say, Elma, to our both staying in London to-night? It would be a pleasant treat for you, and there may be a few little things necessary to add to your wardrobe, which I shall have much pleasure in providing you with. Elma, you are in rare luck.

Maids gossip and to a purpose when their mistresses will it so." "But Dorise " "Enough! Mr. Sherrard. I prefer to walk up to the Castle by myself. Murray will bring up the rods. Please tell my mother what I say when you get back," she added. "The night train from Perth to London leaves at nine-forty to-night," she said with biting sarcasm.

Sherrard went in for Edwards, Holt for Roberts, and Saunders, limping a little, took the place of Trow at right tackle. Clint had his head-guard ready to hand over when he saw Saunders trot on and was more than surprised when the former left tackle passed him by and laid his hand on Trow's arm. Holt evidently brought a message from Coach Robey, for he dragged Carmine back and whispered to him.

"And at the end of the summer, as you have plenty of money, and as I am sure she has repented most bitterly will you send her to Girton?" "Oh, come, come; I make no promises." "But I know it is all right, and I am going to rush up to her and tell her everything. Oh, and here come Miss Sherrard and Miss Worrick. You shall see them without me."

Dined on board the Chinese gunboat Kwang-Tung, Commander Young. This is one of Laird's side-wheel steamers, built for Captain Sherrard Osborne's fleet. Capt. Bickford, of the Narcissus, and Lieut. Wood, flag Lieutenant, dined with us. Tuesday, August 11th. Weather fine. Visited the flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Sir Baldwin W. Walker and the Kwang-Tung. Employed caulking and refitting ship.

Laurie seemed to cry to her; she fancied she could hear his voice coming across the waters to her ears Laurie, who had always trusted to her, who, strong as he was, was not quite so strong as Kitty when scrapes and troubles were about. Oh! if only she could go to him! If only she might relieve her feelings and tell the exact truth to Miss Sherrard! What kept her back?

Then she rose abruptly, and looking very straight into the man's eyes, said: "I consider, Mr. Sherrard, that you are absolutely horrid. Mr. Henfrey is a friend of mine, and whatever gossip there is concerning him I will not believe until I hear his story from his own lips." "I merely tell you of the report from France to Scotland Yard," said Sherrard.

Miss Sherrard was standing near the window; she turned quickly when she saw Miss Worrick, and a displeased and withal a troubled glance filled her eyes as they rested upon Kitty." "Anything fresh?" she said, turning to the teacher with a weary expression in her voice. "Only just what I expected," said Miss Worrick with bitterness. "Kitty Malone is not to be trusted.

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