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Oh, it's a wonderfully handy situation; they couldn't have picked a better!" "And what about the people who run it?" asked Shafto. "Well, the head of them all is gone; he was, as you may have suspicioned yourself, that fellow Krauss. No one knows what's become of him. Some say he's in Calcutta; more think he's dead died aboard ship; but that may not be true.

They reached the bows of the boat, and tumbled headlong in; and, at the same moment Paul Lizard, who had seized a boathook, shoved her off; the men got out their oars, and pulled her head round. "Now give way, lads, for your lives," cried Shafto. The water around them became violently agitated, and the huge ice-rock swayed to and fro. Shafto cast an anxious look behind him.

"If ye'll harness the pup and snake in a log with him, I'll make my Henry snake two logs," retorted the forest woman. Hippy went back for another load of wood, his shoulders jogging up and down with laughter. "This is all very fine, Tom, but what are we going to do after you have left us?" wondered Anne. "Grace knows how to build a lean-to, and I am positive that Mrs. Shafto does," answered Tom.

Young as Harry Shafto was, by his firmness and decision he had maintained a strict discipline among the little band, and even the few who might have been disposed to be mutinous never ventured to dispute his authority. Even now that he was absent, they implicitly obeyed the doctor, whom he had left in command. Poor Ensign Holt has not been mentioned for some time.

"What we considered our misfortune was to their advantage." "Ay, ay, Mr Shafto, it's an ill wind that blows no one good," observed the boatswain. "I only wish she had the wind freer.

"'Michigan," said Shafto, "is a favourite; poor old 'Tipperary' is down and out." Presently the force which had been relieved, muddy to the waist, but splendidly cheerful, splashed into the great courtyard. "Irish," explained Tremenheere; "magnificent fellows, born fighters."

Night was upon them by the time they had finished, and Mrs. Shafto already had built a small cook fire and was preparing supper. About the time it was ready Tom put a match under the larger pile of wood, and a cheerful blaze flamed up. "Try the house and see how warm it is, girls," suggested Grace. Exclamations of delight and gurgles of satisfaction followed their trial of the lean-to.

Malone sent for her favourite boarder. "I've grand news for you!" she announced. "I've had the ugly figure valued and a man has offered me a hundred and ten pounds." "A hundred and ten pounds!" repeated Shafto. "Come, this is one of your good old Irish jokes!" Alas! it must be here recorded that warm-hearted Mrs. Malone was not joking but lying. She had never been to any expert.

"If you think fit, therefore, Mr Shafto, I'll remain here with one or two of the men; and, depend on it, we will keep a bright look-out for passing vessels, so that we need only hoist our flag should one come near enough to see it." "We can ill spare you at the camp, Bollard," said Harry; "and if you remain here you will require shelter and food.

"My lady, sir, and a large party of ladies." "There, now!" cried Shafto, yawning and kicking out his legs. "You surely won't go to be bored with such maudlin company?" "I choose to join your mother," replied Pembroke. "Are there any gentlemen, Stephen?" "One sir: Doctor Denton." "Off with you!" roared Shafto; "what do you stand jabbering there for? You won't let me sleep.