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Updated: August 2, 2024

Perry's apron, for that was far too clean and precious to be worn for such work, whereas her old dress could not possibly be made shabbier. When she saw Miss Carew standing on the doorstep, she looked up with a bright smile of welcome. "Please to walk in, miss," she said, shyly.

Perhaps it's only my fancy, but but they seem to look down on me as they didn't before, and and sometimes they seem to avoid me, and I'm just the same as ever, except except I'm a good deal shabbier this spring.

But when the move was made that move which carried us some mile and a half down the stream to be tied up to an altogether muddier and shabbier quay then indeed the desolation of solitude became our lot.

Maitland and Nannie were having their supper at the big, cluttered office table in the shabby dining-room shabbier now by twenty years than when Blair first expressed his opinion of it. In the midst of the silent meal Sarah Maitland's eye fell on her stepdaughter, and hardened into attention. Nannie looked pale, she thought; and frowned slightly.

At last he entered one of these places, and after a great deal of haggling and argument, he exchanged his coat of gray home-spun for a much shabbier looking dingy blue over-coat, that appeared the kind of thing a pilot would wear. To this was added a woollen comforter; there was no money in the transaction.

His clothes grew shabby, and looked shabbier for his careless way of wearing them. He was often cold and hungry. There were times when he viewed with envy and hate the evidences of prosperity he saw about him. He railed against those pursuits of life which made men rich and prosperous.

"It is something new in Banbridge, isn't it?" "It belongs to those new people who have moved into the Ranger place," replied Randolph. He wore a light business-suit which suited him, and he looked like a gentleman, as much so as when he had come from a law-office instead of a grocery-store. Indeed, he had been much shabbier in the law-office and had not held his head so high.

But to continue our story. The following Saturday morning the skies were blue, the sun shone bright, the gladness of spring was in the air, all promised a long, pleasant holiday. The apple stand at the corner had a prosperous aspect. The umbrella, though shabbier and more rakish-looking than ever, wore a cheery, hail-fellow-well-met appearance.

The upper part of his person was habited in a rough shooting-jacket, considerably the worse for wear, such as a farmer or gamekeeper might have donned in the country, away from the busy haunts of men, when out in the coverts or engaged thinning the preserves; while his lower extremities rejoiced in a yet shabbier pair of trousers, whose shortness for their wearer did not tend to enhance their artistic effect.

More honest or more civilised, or from opposition, the Latin fathers have long given up and disowned the disgusting mummery of the Eastern Fire which lie the Greeks continue annually to tell. Their travellers' house and convent, though large and commodious, are of a much poorer and shabbier condition than those of the Greeks.

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