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His Brother the Chevalier is one of the sensiblest and best-trained persons you can see. He has a penetrating intellect; is always occupied, and full of great schemes; and has nevertheless a staid kind of manner.

It's th' sensiblest toy a child can have. Let her play out in th' fresh air skippin' an' it'll stretch her legs an' arms an' give her some strength in 'em." It was plain that there was not a great deal of strength in Mistress Mary's arms and legs when she first began to skip. She was not very clever at it, but she liked it so much that she did not want to stop.

He found that Eternal Rest, reduced to hard pan, was not as comforting as it sounds in the pulpit. Heaven is the merited reward of service; and the opportunities for service were infinite. As he said, you've got to earn a thing square and honest before you can enjoy it. To Mark, this was "about the sensiblest heaven" he had ever heard of.

But what I vote is, as two of the sensiblest o' the company should go with you to Master Kench, the constable's he's ill i' bed, I know that much and get him to appoint one of us his deppity; for that's the law, and I don't think anybody 'ull take upon him to contradick me there.

But as action was now a necessity to desires so much on edge as ours, Charles, after a very short prelusive dalliance, lifting up my linen and his own, laid the broad treasures of his manly chest close to my bosom, both beating with the tenderest alarms: when now, the sense of his glowing body, in naked touch with mine, took all power over my thoughts out of my own disposal, and delivered up every faculty of the soul to the sensiblest of joys, that affecting me infinitely more with my distinction of the person, than of the sex, now brought my heart deliriously into play: my heart, which, eternally constant to Charles, had never taken any part in my original sacrifices to the calls of constitution, complaisance, or interest.

"Good-by, chaperon," she laughed With a half-sob in her throat, "h hello, 'Aunt." Then she strangled Old Heck with a hug that made him gasp. "What the devil are you trying to do choke me?" "Well, by thunder, Old Heck!" Skinny finally managed to ejaculate, "it was the sensiblest thing you ever done! I I've been" with a sidelong look at Carolyn June "kind of figuring on doing it myself!"

The old fellow chuckled a little and then became serious. "In the fust place, not a trunk!" and he shook his head decisively. "Do you expect them to take what they want in their pockets?" "Umph! it would be the sensiblest thing they could do, but we can't be bothered with any trunks, that would be sure to be lost in the first shuffle.

It's th' sensiblest toy a child can have. Let her play out in th' fresh air skippin' an' it'll stretch her legs an' arms an' give her some strength in 'em." It was plain that there was not a great deal of strength in Mistress Mary's arms and legs when she first began to skip. She was not very clever at it, but she liked it so much that she did not want to stop.

"Take Phoebe's advice," he said, "Phoebe's the sensiblest girl I know; so was her mother before her, as married one of the most popular preachers in the connection, though I say it as shouldn't. My old woman always said as our Phoebe was cut out for a minister's wife. And Phoebe junior's just such another," cried the admiring grandfather.

"Yes, Serge; it makes me feel thirsty after getting so hot." "Then, too, I've got a nice loaf in my wallet and a tidy bit o' meat as I got from a little way back. What do you say to our making a bit o' breakfast together same as we've done before now in the woods?" "And settle afterwards about whether we should go back, Serge?" said Marcus. "Yes, my lad; that'll be the sensiblest thing to do."