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Updated: August 14, 2024

De Froilette understood only too well. At his very door were enemies, the more dangerous because they had been partially admitted into his plans. He had himself given them reason for watching him, and the opportunity of doing so. That was past and beyond reparation, but this arch schemer was not the man to stand idly regretting a mistake. Even mistakes might be used to advantage.

That position did not entail greater privations than the one which the old schemer occupied, but it secured for its incumbent much greater sway over the people, and placed him in the position to exert a degree of influence which was beyond the pale of Koshare magic. The Naua was working toward his end by ways and with means different from those employed by Tyope.

Had he other schemes more subtle; or was he simply reckless, regarding even this adventure as a joke? As a boy he had been both a crafty schemer and reckless doer but now he was grown to a man. And if the lines about his mouth were any criterion he would soon be coming back to carry out by stealth what he failed to accomplish by assault.

Even then, he was still determined not to yield to Rubens at Antwerp, and painted, amongst other subjects, the Rinaldo and Armida for Charles I. It was only at the solicitation of George Geldorp, a schemer as well as a painter, that he consented at length, in 1632, to come to England; and it was only the welcome afforded to him by Charles that induced him to settle here.

"You are interested in Altacoola lands," the Senator angrily charged. "I am, sir," he said. "And you told Mr. Haines that I was interested in Altacoola lands?" The schemer hesitated, and the Senator broke in on him in rage. "Speak out, man! Tell the truth, if you can." "I did," admitted the Congressman finally.

Evidently this reminder had an effect upon the schemer, for he answered apologetically: "Well, he asked about a place and I told him. You know as well as I do that John Ford always wants help." "Sure we know it. But it ain't no fit place for such a boy." Something suggested to Bob, however, that he should go to this ranchman, and accordingly he said: "You needn't think I am so tender.

'My mother thinks him a perfect web of plots, Vittoria explained the case between them, laughing, to Ammiani; 'and Zotti is persuaded that she is an inveterate schemer. They are both entirely innocent, only they are both excessively timid. Out of that it grows.

Not that I think Fortune has abandoned us: but a sagacious schemer will not leave everything to the worthy Dame. I should have driven to her yesterday, if I had not heard from Dettermain and Newson that there was a hint of a negotiation for a compromise. Government is fairly frightened. He mused.

"Perhaps," said she, "in the progress of events, the state of the women may be improved as well as that of the men." "Doubtless, at some future stage of the world. And believe me, Lady Erpingham, politician and schemer as you are, that no legislative reform alone will improve mankind: it is the social state which requires reformation."

Yes, I have often envied the schemer, the man of business, almost the man of pleasure; their many wants at least absorb them in outward objects, instead of leaving them too easily satisfied, to sink in upon themselves, and waste away in useless dreams." "You found out the best cure for that malady when you took up the microscope and the collecting-box." "So I fancied once.

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