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Negotiations were opened the next day between the pettifogger on Bridget's side and the law agent of the noble lord, and the arguments, pro and con., lay thus: In the first place, the opening declaration was Lord Scatterbrain never would live with the aforesaid Bridget. Answered that nevertheless, as she was his lawful wife, a provision suitable to her rank must be made.

Yes, Lord Scatterbrain, true to his original practice, was author of all. Nevertheless, he and his party, soused over head and ears as they were, took the thing in good humour, which was unbroken even by the irrepressible laughter which escaped from Edward and Fanny, as they approached and kindly offered assistance.

Pleasant as our short intercourse has been, these are parlous times, and hasty confidences are apt to lead to repentance. 'A Daniel come to judgment! cried our new acquaintance. 'What ancient, ancient words from so young a head! You are, I'll warrant, five years younger than a scatterbrain like myself, and yet you talk like the seven wise men of Greece. Wilt take me as a valet?

"Here, baron!" said the lieutenant. "You shall regain your freedom as surely as my name is Bach." "Oh, I believe in you, my worthy friend," cried Trenck; "you will keep your word." "Wait," resumed Bach reflectively. "You cannot leave the citadel without the assistance of an officer. I should compromise you at every step. You have just seen what a hot-tempered scatterbrain I am.

"Oh, that was different," exclaimed Berta. "I am perfectly capable of judging for myself. But Bea is such a scatterbrain that I can't help feeling" she hesitated, then added as if to herself, "There isn't any sense in feeling responsible. She is old enough " "I can't hear when you mumble," called Robbie. "Bea is an awful idiot," replied Berta in a louder key.

The sum was considered exorbitant; it being argued that when her husband had determined never to live with her, he was in a far different condition, therefore it was unfair to seek so large a separate maintenance now. The pettifogger threatened that Lady Scatterbrain would run in debt, which Lord Scatterbrain must discharge.

The reader will certainly say, "Here's an Irish bull; how could a man be married, without, at least, a woman and a priest being joint possessors of the secret?" Listen, gentle reader, and you shall hear how none but Lord Scatterbrain knew Lord Scatterbrain was married.

These electors were a batch of plain citizens from Dublin, whom the Scatterbrain interest had induced to leave the peace and quiet of the city to tempt the wilds of the country at that wildest of times during a contested election; and a night coach was freighted inside and out with the worthy cits, whose aggregate voices would be of immense importance the next day; for the contest was close, the county nearly polled out, and but two days more for the struggle.

It had been discovered that Red Bridget had a husband living when she forced Andy to marry her, and as soon as it was legally proved that Lord Scatterbrain was a free man, Father Phil was called in, and Oonah, who had all along loved her wild cousin, was made Lady Scatterbrain. Eugene Aram Novelist, poet, essayist, and politician, Edward Bulwer Lytton was born in London on May 25, 1805.

When they arrived there it was wonderful how many persons were eager to show civility to his new lordship, and he who as Handy Andy had been cried down all his life as a "stupid rascal," "a blundering thief," "a thick-headed brute," suddenly acquired, under the title of Lord Scatterbrain, a reputation for being "vastly amusing, a little eccentric, perhaps, but so droll."