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He spent another minute in grimly surveying the ruins, and then, glancing down at the footprints, followed their direction. He had determined to call the scamps to account for the injury done him.

These boys were for the most part young scamps, and some of them had all the qualities of the guttersnipe, but they had the makings of men in them if properly treated. The difficulty was to know how to treat them. No humane C.O. wants to condemn a mischievous brat of a boy to Field Punishment No. 1.

Without being herself aware of it, the thoughts of Mademoiselle Cormon on the too virtuous chevalier might be translated thus: "What a pity that he isn't a trifle dissipated!" Observers of the human heart have remarked the leaning of pious women toward scamps; some have expressed surprise at this taste, considering it opposed to Christian virtue.

Mon Dieu! charming at times, I grant you, since I have been caught myself like all worthless scamps! but in fact, beastly, beastly! Well, certainly, I shall not undertake to say that marriage is ever a state of perfect bliss; nevertheless it is the best thing that has been imagined up to this time, to enjoy life decently among respectable people.

Both Rachel and her forerunner, Anne Turner, were scamps, and both got into serious trouble Anne into deeper and deadlier hot water than Rachel but between the two women there is only superficial comparison. Rachel was a botcher and a bungler, a very cobbler, beside Anne Turner. Edinburgh, W. Green and Son, Ltd., 1930.

"Why, then, they're all scamps in this country!" howled the unlucky Tarasconian. Barbassou snapped his fingers like a philosopher. "My dear lad, you know, these new countries are 'rum! But, anyhow, if you'll believe me, you'd best cut back to Tarascon at full speed." "It's easy to say, 'Cut back. Where's the money to come from? Don't you know that I was plucked out there in the desert?"

"Just this: in a general way I admit its justness, and come frankly to tell you so." "Why should you trouble yourself?" Shelby throttled his mounting ire. "Because," he returned slowly, "I recognize your ability and want your support. If you mean to interest yourself in politics, I can be of service to you. I know, of course, you don't think politicians are necessarily scamps."

"Well, come here just as much as you like; we'll amuse you. Give him a board, and paper, and chalks, and let him alone. You are to know, you young scamps, that his father did me a service. Here, Corde-a-puits, go and get some cakes and sugar-plums," he said to the pupil who had tortured Joseph, giving him some small change.

Naturally this story, boldly told, did not please the five Tories who heard it; but something in the War Woman's eye prevented them from offering her any personal injury. Instead, they ordered her to give them something to eat. "I never feed King's men if I can help it," she replied. "The scamps have fixed me so that I can't feed my own family in a decent manner.

He further told me that most of the gentlemen present had been all, one way or another, mixed up with Dick's doings; from which I concluded they were a rare parcel of scamps, and resolved, within myself, to try and bag the whole squad. They were all stout fellows enough, most of them seamen.