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Shut up, you silly fool," this in a whisper, emphasized by a kick; "do you want to send her out of this with a hornets' nest tied to her back hair? That's a lie, Mrs. Puttick. He's humbugging you. Scaife told me that his fits were nothing. Yes; he had a slight sunstroke when he was a kid, you know, and the least bit of excitement affects him."

kraipale is translated by Liddell and Scott as "the result of a debauch." "Again we rush across the slush, A pack of breathless faces, And charge and fall, and see the ball Fly whizzing through the bases." The remainder of the term slipped away without further accident or incident. Apart from the preparation of work, John saw little of Scaife or Egerton.

"Don't try to be funny with me, Verney." "Oh no, sir, as if I should dare!" "Well, well, we are wasting time. Trieve sent you to Lovell's room to fetch Scaife?" "Yes, sir." "And what was Scaife doing when you went into the room? Be very careful!" John considered. "He was laughing, sir." "Laughing, was he?"

Lady Eynesford reiterated her edict of exclusion against the new Premier; Eleanor Scaife smiled and told her she would be forced to receive him. Alicia in vain sought particulars of Mr. Medland's misdeeds, and the aides-de-camp speculated curiously on the composition of the Cabinet, Captain Heseltine betting Mr. Flemyng five to two that it would include Mr.

"I don't know," John replied. "And I don't care," said the Duffer. "Let's go and have some food at the Creameries." Looking back afterwards, John often wondered whether, unconsciously, the Duffer had sown a grain of mustard-seed destined to grow into a large tree. Or had the intuition that Scaife was other than what he seemed furnished the fertile soil into which the seed fell?

Accordingly, the matron was urged to try her ministering hand first, amid the chaff, which, even in emergencies, slips so easily out of boys' mouths. "Mrs. Puttick, you're better than any doctor Scaife is all right, really. We knew that he was subject to fits Rather! Some one was telling me that one of his aunts died in a fit.

Rutford looked at John and Fluff. Large fat tears were trickling down Fluff's cheeks. Somehow he felt convinced that John was involved in a frightful row. "Run away, Kinloch," said his house-master. "I wish to speak with Lawrence and Verney." He turned to Lawrence as he spoke. John glanced at Scaife. His eyes were open. Silently, Scaife placed a trembling finger upon his lips.

"Oh! his name is on the panels at the head of the staircase; and it's carved on a bed in the next room." "Crikey! I must go and look at it." "You can look at the panels, of course; but don't say 'Crikey! and don't go into the next room. Two Fifth Form fellows have it. It would be infernal cheek." John hoped that Scaife would offer to accompany him to the panels. Then he went alone.

Desmond felt that Scaife had been generous in proposing that John should join them, because in many small ways it had become evident that the Demon disliked John, although he still spoke of the tight place out of which John had hauled him. Through Scaife John received his "fez"; and when John wore it for the first time, Scaife came up and said, smiling "I'm nearly even with you, Verney."

John's face was very red, and his fists were clenched. "Nothing," he gasped. "Only this I'd like to kill Scaife. I'd like to cut off his infernal head." The Caterpillar laughed indulgently. "Jonathan, you're a rum 'un. You think it wicked to play cards on Sunday; but you would like" he imitated John's trembling, passionate voice "you would like to cut off Scaife's infernal head."