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"Jamais un lourdaud, quoi qu'il fasse Ne saurait passer pour galaud." One should read Hazlitt's "Essay on the Cockney" to find phrases for these Berliners. It is a gazing, gaping crowd that straggles along over the broad sidewalks. Half a dozen to a dozen will stop and stare at people entering or leaving vehicles, at a shop, or hotel door.

Agassiz remarks, "Quiconque a eu l'occasion d'observer les amours des limacons, ne saurait mettre en doute la seduction deployee dans les mouvements et les allures qui preparent et accomplissent le double embrassement de ces hermaphrodites." After a short time the strong and healthy individual disappeared, and was traced by its track of slime over a wall into an adjoining well-stocked garden. Mr.

Once or twice for several months together she thought that she had found in the Duchesse de Choiseul a true friend and a perfect companion. But there was one fatal flaw even in Madame de Choiseul: she was perfect! 'Elle est parfaite; et c'est un plus grand défaut qu'on ne pense et qu'on ne saurait imaginer. At last one day the inevitable happened she went to see Madame de Choiseul, and she was bored. 'Je rentrai chez moi

"Well, Madame," resumed Scudery, "I now declare it in your house: this work, printed under my name, is by my sister she who translated 'Sappho' so agreeably." And without being asked, he recited in a declamatory tone verses ending thus: L'Amour est un mal agreable Don't mon coeur ne saurait guerir; Mais quand il serait guerissable, Il est bien plus doux d'en mourir.

L'Italie pourrait jouer un rôle de tout premier ordre en faveur du maintien de la paix, en exerçant l'influence nécessaire sur l'Autriche et en adoptant une attitude nettement défavorable au conflit, car ce dernier ne saurait être localisé. Il est désirable que vous exprimiez la conviction qu'il est impossible pour la Russie de ne pas venir en aide

"Well, Madame," resumed Scudery, "I now declare it in your house: this work, printed under my name, is by my sister she who translated 'Sappho' so agreeably." And without being asked, he recited in a declamatory tone verses ending thus: L'Amour est un mal agreable Don't mon coeur ne saurait guerir; Mais quand il serait guerissable, Il est bien plus doux d'en mourir.

The affair was reported to Chanzy, who thereupon wrote an indignant letter to the German general commanding at Vendome. It was carried thither by a certain M. de Vezian, a civil engineer attached to Chanzy's staff, who brought back the following reply: "Recu une lettre du General Chanzy. Un general prussien ne sachant pas ecrire une lettre de tel genre, ne saurait y faire une reponse par ecrit.

"Well, Madame," resumed Scudery, "I now declare it in your house: this work, printed under my name, is by my sister she who translated 'Sappho' so agreeably." And without being asked, he recited in a declamatory tone verses ending thus: L'Amour est un mal agreable Don't mon coeur ne saurait guerir; Mais quand il serait guerissable, Il est bien plus doux d'en mourir.

I remember only the first two lines.... It had reference to a comparison between the Russians and the French: 'L'aigle se plait aux regions austeres Ou le ramier ne saurait habiter... 'Digne de M. de Saint Aulaire! M. le Commandeur would every time exclaim.

Il est malin sans etre mechant; il est officieux, poli; hors son milord March, il n'aime rien: on ne saurait former aucune liaison avec lui, mais on est bien aise de l'encontrer, d'etre avec lui dans le meme chambre, quoi qu'on n'ait rien a lui dire." * * "Correspondance complete de Mme. du Deffand," vol. i. p. 87.