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"I'd love to have you, of course but I'm too careless." "Praise God, you must not go h'alone in that case, or something will befall you! I shall h'imitate the birds and call them out before you to fire at." "Fire AT! I don't fire at things, I hit 'em." "Yes, sar. In that case we shall procure plenty of games." "See here! I'm going alone, understand? I have an engagement with a Naiad."

"Ah, sar!" interrupted the interpreter; "elephant very strong beast, but no lift that." "I did not imagine that he would, but I must dismount to examine it," replied Macallan, gravely, who was absorbed in his scientific pursuits.

"Twelve, sar, an' I fotch 'em in de big canoe." "At what hour?" "Midnight, when de moon hab gone down, an' my massa is on guard." Having got this important information, Frank released the negro, and regained his post without being discovered. At midnight he called his relief, and then lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

"So help me Gad, nobody on board but Pompey and dat me." "Good ship-keepers, at all events," said Jack. "A ship in the outer roads, with only a black fellow on board! I say, Pompey, do they always leave you in charge of the vessel?" "No, sar; but to-night great pleasure on shore. Eberybody dance and sing, get drunk, kick up bobbery, and all dat." "What, is it a festival?"

I saw the English merchants give him a handful of dollars, before they left the vessel." "Ah! they real gentlemen, Massa Capon and Massa dam um name I forgot." "And what am I, then, you black thief?" "Oh! you, sar, you very fine officer," replied Billy, quitting the gun-room. Courtenay did not exactly like the answer but there was nothing to lay hold of.

"You've got your money is that sufficient, or do you want anything else?" replied Mr T, rising from his chair. "Yes, sar, I do want more I will have more." "So you shall, then," replied Mr Turnbull, kicking him out of the room along the passage, and out of the front door.

"Eh! what dat? say dat again, sar," replied the woman. "Chrononhotonthologus." "Eh! dat real fine name for piccaninny," cried the woman, with delight in her countenance. "Many tanky, sar. Chroton-polygarse." "No, no," replied Newton, laughing; "Chrononho-tonthologus." "Es, hab now Hoten-tolyglass." "No, that's only part. Chronon-hoton-thologus." "I see very fine name Proton-choton-polly-glass."

"Ladies and gentlemen " "Hear, hear!" from Mole, who, thinking himself free from attack, determined to try a bit of chaff upon his own account. "Thank you, sar," said Monday, bowing gracefully to Mole. "Ladies and gentlemen " "Bravo, bravo!" shouted Mole; "exceedingly bravo." "Folks generally sane and insane" here he bowed in a very marked manner at Mr. Mole. "Hear, hear!" cried Dick.

He, therefore, said: "Don't talk so, Prime; it's dreadful to hear you. Well, if you're afraid, say so, and done with " "Me, 'fraid," exclaimed Primus, "me dat is as 'customed to de bullets as de roof to de rain! No, sar, you is better 'quainted wid de genlmen dat is 'fraid dan dis child."

"If Beardsley had you by the arm how did you manage to get away from him?" said Marcy, who had good reason for wishing to be sure of his ground. "Well, sar, moster, I buck him; dat's de way I got loose from de cap'n.