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One or two men from the fort were there, Waring of the light battery and little "Chip" Sanders of the cavalry. These jovial captains hailed him and besought him in cordial soldier fashion to stay and dine, especially in view of the long trip ahead of him on the morrow, but he begged off. He had an evening's work ahead, and must get home betimes, said he.

Sam'l saw with misgivings that there was something in it which was not a handkerchief. It was a paper bag glittering with gold braid, and contained such an assortment of sweets as lads bought for their lasses on the Muckle Friday. "Hae, Bell," said Sanders, handing the bag to Bell in an off-hand way as if it were but a trifle.

"It is a good thing we have established the new post at Carlton," suggested Inspector Sanders. "Ah, yes, there is Carlton. It is true we have strengthened up that district recently with two hundred men distributed between Battleford, Prince Albert, Fort Pitt and Fort Carlton. But Carlton is naturally a very weak post and is practically of little use to us.

There's nae risk ava, man nane to speak o'. Tak' her, laddie; tak' her, Sanders; it's a gran' chance, Sanders. She's yours for the speerin'. I'll gie her up, Sanders." "Will ye, though?" said Sanders. "What d' ye think?" asked Sam'l. "If ye wid rayther," said Sanders, politely. "There's my han' on 't," said Sam'l. "Bless ye, Sanders; ye've been a true frien' to me."

I again preached, when two more joined the Church. The next day I baptized the seven new members. I then arranged to hold meetings at that place three times a week. I visited around the country, seeking to convert sinners. The first converts were leading people in that county. Elisha Sanders and his wife and daughter were the first to receive the gospel.

After a while Sanders coaxed him down to the track, teaching him to bring back his empty dinner-pail, the dog spending the hour with him, sitting by his side demurely, or asleep in the sentry-box. All this time the dog never rose to the dignity of any particular name. The girl spoke of him as "Doggie," and Sanders always as "the Dog."

The thing was hardly thinkable, yet a turn of the wheel of fortune had done it for him in an hour. The position in which Sanders found himself was possible only because Crawford was himself a financial babe in the woods. He had borrowed large sums of money often, but always from men who trusted him and held his word as better security than collateral.

"'Which if he don't get downed none, says Texas Thompson, 'an' hits Tennessee alive, I offers ten to one he leads this yere Sanders female to the altar. "'Which you'd lose, a whole lot, says Enright, at the same time raisin' his whiskey glass. "'That's what I states when I trails out on this yere romance. Females is frivolous an' plumb light of fancy.

But Sanders opposed a stubborn resistance, falling back deliberately, and held the hills south of Knoxville near the river. Wheeler was thus baffled, and returned to Longstreet on the 17th of November.

The Black Belt is primitive and the landlord wields the power. "What about Johnson?" calls the head clerk. "Well, he's a faithful nigger and needs encouragement; cancel his debt and give him ten dollars for Christmas." Colonel Cresswell glowed, as if he were full of the season's spirit. "And Sanders?" "How's his cotton?" "Good, and a lot of it." "He's trying to get away.