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This question therefore will be properly decided in our author's journey to the Alps; for, if we shall there find calcareous strata perfectly consolidated, as they should be by the extreme operation of subterranean heat and fusion; if we find materials of every species formed after the manner of stratification; and if all those different strata variously consolidated shall be found in all positions, similar to those which we have now seen in the examination of the Jura and Saleve, with this difference, that the deplacement and contorsion may be more violent in those highly consolidated strata, we shall then generalise an operation by which the present state of things must have been produced; and in those regular appearances, we shall acknowledge the operation of an internal heat, and of an elevating power.

Strength and beauty are its habitation. The Saleve is a peculiar looking mountain, striped with different strata of rock, which have a singular effect in the hazy distance; so is the Mole, with its dark marked outline, looking blacker in clear weather, from being set against the snow mountains beyond.

Other attempts to make a home in the châteaux or chalets of Savoy were foiled, or abandoned, like his earlier idea to live in Venice. But his scrambles on the Salève led him to hesitate in accepting the explanation given by Alphonse Favre of the curious north-west face of steeply inclined vertical slabs, which he suspected to be created by cleavage, on the analogy of other Jurassic precipices.

. . . Here's another new day, William; and I wish I were a new man. But the heavens are bright, and the air so clear that I can define every man's patch of vineyard and farm on the Jura, ten miles off; every fissure and seam on Saleve, two miles back of us; and through a gap in the Saleve, I do not doubt, were I to go out on the grounds, I could see the top of Mont Blanc.

«Un peintre qui voudroit monter son imagination, et se faire des grandes idées des ravages du tems sur de grands objects, devroit aller au pied de Saleve,

The following summers were spent at Villers in Normandy , at the Isle of Arran , and in the upland country of the Salève, near Geneva. During the visit to the Salève district, where Browning and his sister with Miss Egerton-Smith occupied a chalet named La Saisiaz, he was, Mrs Orr tells us, "unusually depressed and unusually disposed to regard the absence from home as a banishment."

Mais il est bien plus fréquent de voir des montagnes dont les couches ont la forme d'une demi-voûte, et qui vues de profil présentent, comme notre montagne de Saleve, un pente douce d'une coté, et des escarpemens de l'autre.

We passed rapidly along; the sun was hot, but we were sheltered from its rays by a kind of canopy while we enjoyed the beauty of the scene, sometimes on one side of the lake, where we saw Mont Saleve, the pleasant banks of Montalegre, and at a distance, surmounting all, the beautiful Mont Blanc and the assemblage of snowy mountains that in vain endeavour to emulate her; sometimes coasting the opposite banks, we saw the mighty Jura opposing its dark side to the ambition that would quit its native country, and an almost insurmountable barrier to the invader who should wish to enslave it.

Elles sont situés au bas de Grande Saleve du coté qui regarde notre vallée; on les voit appliquées contre les tranches inférieures des bancs horizontaux ou très-inclinées en appui contre la montagne.

Coindet, who sent me to Mornex on Mont Saleve, for the sake of its good air, and recommended me a pension. My first thought on arrival was to find a place where I should be undisturbed, and I persuaded the lady who kept the pension to make over to me an isolated pavilion in the garden which consisted of one large reception-room.