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«On observe ces couches non-seulement au pied de rocs nuds du Grand Saleve, mais encore dans la partie de sa pente qui est boisée par exemple au dessous de la croisette, le chemin qui de ce hameau descend au village de Collonge, passe sur les couches inclinées, comme celles que je viens de décrireIn § 237, the description is continued.

It is enough to say that there sprang up as much comradeship between us as our different habits would allow; and in Charles's rare holidays we went up the Saleve together, or took the boat to Vevay, while I listened dreamily to the monologues in which he unfolded his bold conceptions of future experiment and discovery.

It was more probably due to the want of the sea air which he had enjoyed for so many years, and to that special oppressive heat of the Swiss valleys which ascends with them to almost their highest level. When he said that the Saleve seemed close behind the house, he was saying in other words that the sun beat back from, and the air was intercepted by it.

«A une bonne demi-lieue de ce château on observe, comme au pied du Mont Saleve, une masse de rochers, dont les couches minces, presque perpendiculaires

I went for excursions into Savoy, ascended La Grande Saleve on donkey- back, and from the top looked down at the full length of the Leman. I drove to the valley of Chamounix, sixty-eight miles, in a diligence and four; about every other hour we had relays of horses and a new driver. Whenever possible, we went at a rattling galop. Half-way I heard the first Italian.

He met me with a carriage at Culoz, to give and enjoy my first impressions of the distant Alps, and for the ten days we stopped at Geneva I stayed with him at the Hotel des Bergues. We climbed the Saleve, and I saw what gave me more pleasure, I confess, than the distant view of Mont Blanc, which he expected me to be enthusiastic over, the soldanella and gentians.

Vol. 1. (page 163.) «Les tranches nues et escarpées des grandes couches du petit et surtout du grande Saleve, présentent presque partout les traces les plus marquées du passage des eaux, qui les ont rongées et excavées, on voit sur ces rochers, des sillons