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From these misguided women sprang the Oleae and the Psoloeis, of whom the men were said to be so called because they wore sad-coloured raiment in token of their mourning and grief.

Barton was in his sad-coloured cloak and round cap, and saluted Robin heartily in his loud, bellowing voice. "Riding abroad again," he cried, "on some secret errand!" "I will give your respects to Mr. Babington," said Robin, smiling heavily. "I am to meet him about a matter of a tithe too!"

But here Adam entered, very soberly dressed in sad-coloured clothes, and we sat down to sup forthwith. "Do we sail soon, Captain?" questioned Godby in a while. "I hope to be clear o' the Downs a few days hence," says Adam. "And you so short-handed, Cap'n," quoth Bym. "Sir Rupert hath 'listed thirty new men, I hear, and rogues every one I'll be sworn." "Sir Rupert ?" says I.

Now, I say no harm of the young woman, and I know an angel would be abused at Montauban for not wearing sad-coloured wings; but she needs a man's care you are frail, you cannot live for ever and how is it to be with her and her child? 'I hope to bestow them among her kindred ere I die, Madame, said Isaac. 'No kindred can serve a woman like a sensible husband!

She robed habitually, as I have said, in Black Velvet; but on Birthnights, when more company than usual came, and there was play in the great drawing-room, she would wear a sack of sad-coloured satin; while, which was stranger still, on the thirtieth day of January in every year, at least so long as I can keep it in mind, she wore her sable dress; not her ordinary one, but a fuller garment, which had bows of Crimson Ribbon down the front and at the sleeves, and a great Crimson Scarf over the right shoulder, so as to come in saltire over her Heart.

The Earl of Murray was clad in a sad-coloured morning-gown, with a cap and slippers of the same cloth, but, even in this easy deshabillé, held his sheathed rapier in his hand, a precaution which he adopted when receiving strangers, rather in compliance with the earnest remonstrances of his friends and partisans, than from any personal apprehensions of his own.

The Puritan will cut your throat rather than give up his sad-coloured dress and his Bible. "King James!" cry some, "King Monmouth!" say the peasants. "King Jesus!" says the Fifth Monarchy man. "No King at all!" cry Master Wade and a few others who are for a Commonwealth.

He had struck no roots; and it would mean as little to his half-dozen acquaintances on Ballarat when he silently vanished from their midst, as it would to him if he never saw one of them again. Or the country either and he let his eye roam unlovingly over the wild, sad-coloured landscape, with its skimpy, sad-coloured trees.

And thus, when tidings came to the door that a gentlemen from England desired to see my Lord Walwyn, Harry Merrycourt, after all these years of seeing nothing but sad-coloured Puritan dames, came in upon this magnificent being in silvered brocade. He said he thought he had stumbled on the Princess-Royal at least, and it was a descent to hear it was only plain Mistress Darpent!

For the character of the interior is vastly different: great rolling plains of yellow grass and thorn scrub, with the denser foliage of deciduous trees along the river-banks. Here, indeed, you may find sad-coloured birds that are gifted with the sweetest of songs.