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If th' rough stuff he run inta there was on'y th' loikes av yersilf he must have shtruck a soft snap." He arose. "Put th' stringers on him agin, Ridmond, an' take um upstairs an' lock um up! Yu'll be escort wid um tu Calgary whin th' East-bound comes in an' see here, look! . . . I want ye tu be back here agin as soon as iver ye can make ut back.

Thin we can go ahead wid two J.P.s tu handle things. Yuh take charge av Mr. Man, Ridmond! Me an' Yorke will go an' eat now, an' relieve yuh later." "The Court is prepared, the Lawyers are met, The Judges all ranged, a terrible show!" As Captain Macheath says, and when one's arraigned, The sight's as unpleasant a one as I know. "Orrrdher in Coort!" rang out Sergeant Slavin's abrupt command.

I'll sind a man shortly an' vag um! So long! Oh, hold on, Nick! . . . May th' divil niver know ye're dead till ye're tu hours in Hivin! Fwhat? Oh, thank yez! Same tu yez! Well! . . . so long!" "Hobo worryin' Nick Lee at Cow Run. Scared av fire in th' livery-shtable. Go yu', Yorkey!" He eyed George a moment in curious speculation. "Yu' had betther go along tu, Ridmond!

"You men must have had quite a tussle with that fellow, Moran!" he remarked whimsically. "You seem to have come off the best, Sergeant. You're not marked at all." "Some tussle all right, Sorr!" agreed that worthy evenly, his tongue in his cheek. "Yu' go git yu're prisoner, Ridmond, an' be ready whin that thrain comes in. Come back on the next way-freight west, if there's wan behfure th' passenger.

"Why! what's up?" he queried with a crestfallen air, as he beheld Slavin's angry, worried countenance. "Damnation!" muttered the latter softly and savagely to Yorke. "This means another thrip tu Calgary wid this 'bo' an' me not able tu shpare ye just now. Fwhat wid all this other bizness I'd forgotten all 'bout him. An' we'd vagged him sooner Ridmond might have taken th' tu av thim down tugither.

Exercise yez harse an'" he lit his pipe noisily "learn th' lay av th' thrails." He turned to the senior constable. "If ye can lay hould av th' J.P. there, get this shtiff committed an' let Ridmond take thrain wid um tu th' Post. Yu' return wid th' harses!" "Why can't Redmond nip down there on a way-freight and do the whole thing?" said Yorke, a trifle sulkily.

Thin shplit, an' hug th' line west, yu', Yorkey as far as Coalmore yu', Ridmond back tu Cow Run. Yez know fwhat tu du. Pass up nothin' culverts, bridges, section-huts anywhere's th' shtiff may be hidin'. If yez du not dhrop onto um betune thim tu places shtay fwhere yez are an' search all freights. 'Phone th' agent at Davidsburg if yez want tu get me. I'm away from there now to wire east an' west.

Yer name's Ridmond, ain't it? -Whoa, now! T an' B! lively wid thim kit-bags, son! team's pretty fresh an' will not shtand." They swung off at a spanking trot. George surveyed the white-washed cattle-corrals and few scattered shacks which seemed to comprise the hamlet of Davidsburg. "Not a very big place, Sergeant?" he remarked, "how far's the detachment from here?"