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T. Well, it may; but would Cicero use the dative after it? what is the more common practice with words of motion? Do you say, Venit mihi, he came to me? C. No, Venit ad me;—I recollect. T. That is right; venit ad me. Now, for instance, “incumbo:” what case doesincumbogovern? C. Incumbite remis? T. Where is that? in Cicero? C. No, in Virgil.

The castle is being completely <i>remis a neuf</i> a Massachusetts schoolhouse could n't cultivate a "smarter" ideal. There are shops in the basement and fresh putty on all the windows; so that the only thing proper to a castle it has kept is its magnificent position and range, which you may enjoy from the broad platform where the Perugini assemble at eventide.

But I observe in an old newspaper called the WHITEHALL GAZETTE, of which I fortunately possess a file for several years, that Sir Arthur Darsie Redgauntlet was presented to his late Majesty at the drawing-room, by Lieut.-General Campbell upon which the editor observes, in the way of comment, that we were going, REMIS ATQUE VELIS, into the interests of the Pretender, since a Scot had presented a Jacobite at Court.

Memoire de M. Turgot, a l'occasion du Memoire remis par M. le Compte de Vergennes sur la maniere dont la France at l'Espagne doivent envisager les suites de la querelle entre la Grande Bretagne et ses Colonies. In "Politique de tous les Cabinets de l'Europe pendant les Regnes to Louis XV. et de Louis XVI." Par L.P. Segue l'aine. Congress issued a cautionary declaration in reply.

Reçu avec retard le 14 27 Juillet 1914. Je transmets la réponse que le Président du Conseil des Ministres Serbe a remis an ministre Austro-Hongrois

Je me remis en route avant le jour pour regagner Gaza: mais quand j'y arrivai je ne retrouvai plus ni mes quatre compagnons, ni même messire Sanson de Lalaing. Tous cinq étoient retournés

Le Gouvernement Austro-Hongrois a remis hier soir au Gouvernement serbe une note concernant l'attentat de Sarajevo. Consciente de ses devoirs internationaux, la Serbie dès les premiers jours de l'horrible crime a déclaré qu'elle le condamnait et qu'elle était prête

Si j'etais une fois a West Lodge je m'y reposerais bien. Si je me sentais fatigue je m'arreterais n'importe ou. La surexcitation cerebrale est completement passee, mais je n'espere pas etre remis avant un mois." From West Lodge he wrote, in answer to one of my letters: "Our present business is to look simply to the question, what will be most economical?

Weel, my lord, you are welcome to London; and, as ye seem an acute and learned youth, I advise ye to turn your neb northward as soon as ye like, and settle yoursell for a while at Saint Andrews, and we will be right glad to hear that you prosper in your studies. Incumbite Remis Fortiter."

Ne voulant plus apres notre malheur laisser derriere elle notre derniere fille, la petite Isabelle, et ne pouvant l'emmener en Espagne dans cette rude saison, elle a remis ce voyage a l'automne prochain, et s'est decidee a ne pas quitter le chateau d'Eu, ou l'hiver a ete rude.