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It was the more difficult because the father of the Duc de Chartres was infinitely proud of his rank, and the mother belonged to a nation which abhorred illegitimacy and, misalliances, and was indeed of a character to forbid all hope of her ever relishing this marriage.

We were not very talkative; I myself was almost taciturn, having before me the necessity of coming to an understanding with Harry, a task which I was far from relishing. But there were certain things I must know. "What do you say to a ride down the valley?" said Harry. "They have excellent horses here; I tried one of 'em the other day."

She had the pleasure of seeing Madame de Maintenon forgotten and annihilated in Saint-Cyr, of surviving her, of seeing at Rome her two enemies, Giudice and Alberoni, as profoundly disgraced as she, one falling from the same height, and of relishing the forgetfulness, not to say contempt, into which they both sank.

'Charley, says papa, not quite relishing this disturbance in the midst of a very interesting badger-baiting 'Charley, my boy, if you don't mind your P's and Q's, you and I shall fall out; mind that; and he again goes on with his sport; and mamma goes on with her teapot, looking not exactly like Patience on a monument. Such are the joys which await you, Mr.

A member of the Roman Church amid a people chiefly of the Reformed religion, Duke Carl would creep sometimes into the curtained court pew of the Lutheran Church, to which he had presented its massive golden crucifix, to listen to the chorales, the execution of which he had managed to time to his liking, relishing, he could hardly explain why, those passages of a pleasantly monotonous and, as it might seem, unending melody which certainly never came to what could rightly be called an ending here on earth; and having also a sympathy with the cheerful genius of Dr.

Due and detailed arrangements were made as to the manner in which the allies were to assist each other, in case Spain, not relishing this kind of neutrality, should think proper openly to attack either great Britain or France, or both.

The want of some such arrangement has been my only objection to this post, captain Willoughby; for, we have always seemed to me, out here in the wilderness, like a regiment drawn up with a ravine or a swamp in its rear." "I am glad to find you relishing the movement for any cause, serjeant.

Diana and Emma delighted to discover that they were each the rebel of their earlier and less experienced years; each a member of the malcontent minor faction, the salt of earth, to whom their salt must serve for nourishment, as they admitted, relishing it determinedly, not without gratification. Sir Lukin was busy upon his estate in Scotland.

The certif'cate's good a-plenty fur what ridin' he kin do." Doubt was still expressed in the face of the young man, but he said no more, and, after a short silence, Mr. Hollis, perhaps not relishing his visitor's want of appreciation, dismounted, so to speak, from the fence, and slouched off slowly up the road.

Gently he shook his head, relishing her discomfiture, taking satisfaction in torturing her who had flouted him and his master, in punishing her whom he had every reason to believe guilty. "Your Majesty, I fear, has been ill-informed on that score.