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Then it relented, dribbled, shook down a few last drops; and passed on to the countryside. Windows went up; eaves and full gutters plashed and gurgled; clearer light fell; then, in a moment, sunshine rushed upon shining green trees and green grass; doors opened and out came the children! Shouting, they ran to the flooded gutters.

I shifted my ground, and told him that my wife wanted the rooms; I pressed his gallantry his good nature his economy; in short, I assailed him upon every point but in vain, he did not even take the trouble of repeating what he had said before he neither relented, nor showed the least irritation, but simply said "I can't do this; here I am, and here I stay until the half-year has expired.

Once in the spring those two noblemen had ridden to Cambridge from Newmarket, whither they had gone for the horse-racing, and had honored Harry Esmond with a visit at his rooms; after which Doctor Montague, the master of the College, who had treated Harry somewhat haughtily, seeing his familiarity with these great folks, and that my Lord Castlewood laughed and walked with his hand on Harry's shoulder, relented to Mr.

If yeh don't come out, he'll come after yeh. I thought yeh'd ruther " "That's kindly thought of," Maitland relented. "I'll be there in a minute," he added meaningly. Hickey took an impassive face to the doorway, where, whether or not with design, he stood precisely upon the threshold, filling it with his burly shoulders. Maitland bent again over the girl, and took her hand.

She even disgraces the name of Linton; and I've sometimes relented, from pure lack of invention, in my experiments on what she could endure, and still creep shamefully cringing back! But tell him, also, to set his fraternal and magisterial heart at ease: that I keep strictly within the limits of the law.

Commander McCalla of the Marblehead, ranking officer, instructed Lieutenant Anderson to call for volunteers to cut the cable early on the morning of the eleventh. Anderson issued the call on both the cruiser and the gunboat, and three times the desired number of men offered to serve. No one relented, even after repeated warnings that the service was especially dangerous.

Not that he meant to relent or alter his determination. Mr. Meeson never relented, and never changed his mind. Had he done so he would not at that moment have been the master of two millions of money. When Augusta left Meeson's she was in a very sad condition of mind, to explain which it will be necessary to say a word or two about that young lady's previous history.

I used to feel as mother does," he said, turning to us; "for I went into the war with a design to spare neither young nor old of the enemy. "But I thank God that even in that dark season my heart relented at the sight of the poor starving women and children, chased from place to place like partridges.

"Yes, yes"; and so great was his pride that he relented towards Shere Ali. "You may use it if you like," he conceded. "Only you would naturally add that it was I who thought of it." Shere Ali smiled and replied: "I won't fail to do that, Colonel Dewes." "No? Then use it as much as you like, for it's true. Out here one remembers the comfort of England and looks forward to it.

But, catching sight of Mrs Boffin's wholesome face, she relented, and crouching down by the door and bending over her burden to hush it, said humbly: 'Maybe my fears has put me wrong. If they have so, tell me, and the good Lord forgive me! I'm quick to take this fright, I know, and my head is summ'at light with wearying and watching. 'There, there, there! returned Mrs Boffin. 'Come, come!