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Korah, Dathan, and Abiram these were named, and they were abrupt dogs to a point reaching brusqueness. At the door, as William had approached, beamed Mr. Marrapit; upon the drive the queenly Rose of Sharon sat; and immediately tragedy swooped. The dogs sighted the Rose. Red-mouthed the shining pack flew at her. Dignity fell before terror: wildly, with streaming tail, she fled.

Both Trĕnggânu and Kĕlantan have produced their strong rulers for instance, Băginda Ümar of Trĕnggânu, and the 'Red-mouthed Sultân' of Kĕlantan but neither of the present Râjas can boast anything resembling the same personality and force of character, or are possessed of the same power and influence, as distinguished Sultân Âhmad Maätham Shah of Pahang, in the brave days before the coming of the white men.

Instead he saw a young girl of a little less than Barbee's age, roguish-eyed, black-haired, red-mouthed, plump and saucy. Her sleeves were up; her arms were brown and round; there was flour on them. 'Where are the Longstreets, Barbee? asked Howard. 'Gone, announced Barbee cheerfully. And as though that closed the matter to his entire satisfaction, he demanded: 'Come on, Pet; be a good kid.

He is a red-mouthed labor agitator. He's one of those foreigners that come here from places where they've never had a decent meal's victuals in their lives, and as soon as they get their stomachs full, they begin to make trouble between our people and their hands. There's where the strikes come from, and the unions and the secret societies.

He sprang out of the carriage, glad to relieve himself from his cramped and stiff position, and walked towards the little gate in the wire fence. There was a sudden rush of light feet, a stream of fierce barks and snarls, and Harley sprang back in alarm as two large bull-dogs, red-mouthed, flung themselves against the fence.

I was a child again in Shira Glen, alone in a little chamber with a window uncurtained and unshuttered, yawning red-mouthed to the outer night My back was almost ever to the window, whose panes reflected a peat-fire and a face as long as a fiddle, and eyes that shone like coal; and though I looked little at the window yawning to the wood, I felt that it never wanted some curious spy outside, some one girning or smiling in at me and my book.

My house was full of comfort; I was propped With life's delights, all sweet as they could be, When at my door a wretched woman stopped, And, weeping, said to me, "Its rose-root in youth's seasonable hours Love in thy bosom set, so blest wert thou; Hence all the pretty little red-mouthed flowers That climb and kiss thee now!

There lay Big Pete Darlinkel, dead or unconscious, and within ten feet of him stood the giant bear surrounded by a vicious pack of gaunt red-mouthed wolves.

"Above our very heads to the left of where we stand the brave strong body of your lover lies, festering slowly in the wet mould, thanks to you! the fair, gallant beauty of it all marred by the red-mouthed worms the thick curls of hair combed through by the crawling feet of vile insects the poor frail heart pierced by a gaping wound "

Then we slipped our knife-sheaths round to the hip for a shot in the dark is apt to wound only and cause a red-mouthed charge and then the door was opened. We stooped and went outside. The rain was tumbling in sheets; the night was dark as the pit, and very noisy; we could make out nothing. Se strained forward in the leash, neck thrust out, nose on high, up wind towards the lake shore.