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Dignified and unsuspicious, he strode into the little tent, saluted the Churches as a Churchman, and sat down by the open charcoal brazier. The yellow lining of the tent reflected in the lamplight made his face red-gold. Bennett looked at him with the triple-ringed uninterest of the creed that lumps nine-tenths of the world under the title of 'heathen'. 'And what was the end of the Search?

She did not speak to urge him, but in the silence her beauty pleaded for her. He said: "Mary, how lovely you are. If I go I will have you for a few days for a week at most, all to myself." She shook her head. From the window behind her the sunset light flared in her hair, flooding it with red-gold. "All the time that we are gone, you will never say things like this, Dick?" "I suppose not.

He was aware of a skin of transparent whiteness, a wistful sensitive mouth, a pair of wonderful eyes with the green-grey colour of the sea in their depths, and a crown of red-gold hair. She was poorly, almost shabbily, dressed, but the crude cheap garbing of a country dressmaker was unable to mar the graceful outlines of her slim young figure.

As he did so, the head and profile of a young lady richly adorned with red-gold hair might have been seen in the upper window. The owner of it was looking after Coryston. "Why didn't you make him stay?" said Enid Glenwilliam, composedly, as she came out upon the lawn and took a seat on the grass in front of the summer-house. "On the contrary, I sent him away."

I stood staring at her, stricken dumb, not by the news she told, but by her unearthly beauty. The face that was so worn with all the toil and conflict and anxiety of these strenuous days and weeks was transfigured; and above it her red-gold hair shone like a crown of glory.

Standing in groups, they seem to color the atmosphere. Under them the air is like a green bubble. Standing alone, the long trailing scarfs of bark blowing away from their bodies they are like ragged, tragic gypsy queens. Then there is the madrone. The wonder of the madrone is its bole. Of a tawny red-gold glossy it contributes an arresting coppery note to green forest vistas.

'Red-gold of the ballads; chestnut-brown, with threads of fire. 'She has the eyes for a man to swear by. I feel the loss of her, I can tell you. She was wine and no penalty to me. Is she much broken under it? if I 'm to credit . . . I suppose I must. It floors me. Admiral Baldwin's frosty stare returned on him.

No better plan occurred to me than exhibition of the pomander with a vague story of wishing to return it to a young lady with red-gold hair. But nowhere did a native show recognition of the top or the description. On my way home I overtook a familiar, travel-stained buggy that inspired me with a fresh disrespect for my own abilities.

"Tell me if I hurt you, now," he bade, gently as a woman. "I've got to wash the cut itself." She answered nothing, but lay quite still. And so, hardly wincing, she let him lave the jagged wound that stretched from her right temple up into the first tendrils of the glorious red-gold hair. "H'm!" thought Gabriel, as he now observed the cut with close attention.

Meanwhile, she tiptoed back to her bed, and sat on the edge of it, to wait. At last the thread of light, fine as a red-gold hair, vanished from the door; but as it disappeared a line of moonlight was drawn in silver along the crack. Victoria must have left her windows wide open, or there would not have been light enough to paint this gleaming streak.