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But if this unwillingness to bring before our souls, in distinct array, the more solemn and important events of our lives, be a natural and perhaps a wise feeling, how much more averse must every reflecting man be to the ransacking of his inmost spirit for all its hidden emotions and passions, to the tearing away that shroud which oblivion may have kindly flung over his vices and his follies, or that fine and delicate veil which Christian humility draws over his virtues and acts of benevolence.

The portions of the town we passed through on that day had been pillaged to the fullest extent. Not content with ransacking the interior of each house, the soldiers had broken up every article of furniture, and with wanton destruction had thrown everything portable out of the windows.

Who has not known, at least once in his life, what it is to lose some precious thing; and after hunting through his papers, ransacking his memory, and turning his house upside down; after one or two days spent in vain search, and hope, and despair; after a prodigious expenditure of the liveliest irritation of soul, who has not known the ineffable pleasure of finding that all-important nothing which had come to be a king of monomania?

Some of the dwellings about the place were elegant and spacious, but many of these were closed and the owners removed. Two newspapers had been published here of old, and while ransacking the office of one of them, I discovered that the type had been buried under the floor. The planks were speedily torn away, and the cases dragged to light.

He will have a lot of trouble getting things in order again, and you know he is neat, for a lone fisherman." "Isn't that outrageous!" exclaimed Belle. "I think, Cora, we should have told the boys and had them make a charge against whoever may be guilty. They will be ransacking here next." "Oh, goodness! I hope not," cried Marita. "I think we should have police protection."

The Yankee gazed at him a moment in silence, evidently ransacking his brain for something sufficiently insolent to offer in return.

His disaster might have been still greater, had not an immense Indian carrack, laden with the richest merchandize, just then hove in sight, to attract his conquerors with a hope of better prize- money than could be expected from the most complete victory over him and his fleet. With the remainder of his vessels Spinola crept out of sight while the English were ransacking the carrack.

Upon the strength of the rumour, a believer in all the wondrous tales told of Nicholas Flamel bought the house, and nearly pulled it to pieces in ransacking the walls and wainscotting for hidden gold. He got nothing for his pains, however, and had a heavy bill to pay to restore his dilapidations.

As for me, I was ransacking my memory where had I heard that voice before? Somewhere, I was certain a voice low, vibrant, repressed, full of color. Then, with a start, I remembered! It was Miss Holladay's voice, as she had risen to welcome our junior that morning at the coroner's court! I shook myself together for that was nonsense! "I fear that won't do," said Mr. Royce at last.

M. Charolais, Pierre, and Louis were opening drawers, ransacking them, and shutting them with infinite quickness and noiselessly. "Bureau! Which is the bureau? The place is stuffed with bureaux!" growled M. Charolais. "I must have those keys." "That plain thing with the brass handles in the middle on the left that's a bureau," said Bernard softly. "Why didn't you say so?" growled M. Charolais.