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Now, Montgomery doesn't bark about a night's grass out of the ram-paddock at this time of year, in case of emergency; but he does n't believe in people\ driving expressly for it; and besides, he badly wants to catch Price and Thompson, and make an example of them.

Runnymede home station Mooney and Montgomery, owners; J. G. Montgomery, managing partner was a mile or so beyond the further corner of the ram-paddock, and was the central source of danger. Presently the tea leaves were thrown out of the billies; the tuckerboxes were packed on the pole-fetchels; and the teams got under way.

"Ye'll be late gittin' to the ram-paddock, Tamson," remarked M'Nab, treating Cooper with the silent contempt usually lavished upon men of his physique. "Axpect thon's where ye're makin' fur?" "I say you better camp with us to-night," suggested Thompson, evading the implied inquiry.

We're middlin' safe to be collared in the selection, an' we're jist as safe to be collared in the ram-paddick. Choice between the divil an' the dam. An' there's too big a township o' wagons together. Two's enough, an' three's a glutton, for sich a season as this." "I think Cooper and I had better push on to the ram-paddock," suggested Thompson. "You three can work on the selection.

Why, it's two months since you parted from her." "Where's Martin?" I asked. "I left him at the ram-paddock, trying to track his horse. I suppose you haven't heard that he lives here now?" "Well, we heard that some one was being sent to live here. By the way, Moriarty, you better keep out of sight of that fellow at the hut" "No odds. It's only Daddy Montague; he can't see twenty yards.

But I say Mrs. Beaudesart is sorting out her own old wedding toggery; she knows you'll never have money enough to" "How does Martin come to be at the ram-paddock, if he lives here?" I interrupted. "I'll tell you the whole rigmarole," replied the genial ass. That would be last night, of course.

Then we could have made a circuit of the ram-paddock, inside the fence, and given it a good rough overhaul. But because I proposed this, Martin insisted on going by the main road, for better riding, and to see if we could find the wagons, as a sort of guide. Sensible to the last.

The other fellows pursued their work in awe-stricken silence, till at length Cooper, glancing toward the ram-paddock, said deprecatingly: " it, man, don't swear; not now, anyway. Git that spare rope off o' my wagon, an' foller me quick." He brought his yoked bullocks through the gap, and drove them rapidly to the spot indicated by Mosey.

Then we can make the Lignum Swamp to-morrow from the ram-paddock, and we can't make it from the selection. So I think we better be moving; it'll be dark enough before we unyoke. I've worked on that ram-paddock so often that I seem to have a sort of title to it." "But there's lots o' changes since you was here last," said Mosey.

However, I was n't any way interested in mustering the ram-paddock, and Martin wanted his horse, so we hunted round and round, but devil a smell of horse or saddle or bridle could we find in the dark. After a while, daylight came, and I caught sight of the wool, and tumbled to the little game. Of course, I ripped across to give the fellows the office, praying and cursing fit to break my neck.