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Norman sprang out so lightly and surely that Tetlow wondered how it was possible for this to be the man who had been racketing and roistering day after day, night after night for nearly a week. He helped the heavy and awkward Tetlow to descend, said: "You'll have to pay, Bill. I've got less than a dollar left. And I touched Gaskill for a hundred and fifty to-night.

Happy in each other and in their children, though they lived much with the rational, they associated as little as they thought possible with the racketing world.

'I thought I had seen him racketing about there with Ursula. I'll not have those umbrella fellows coming about! 'Does he really make umbrellas, Nuttie? asked Blanche, catching her hand. 'No such thing! said Nuttie hotly, 'he is in the office. His father was a surgeon; his sisters married clergymen! 'And he came here to meet you, said Annaple Ruthven. 'Poor fellow, what a shame it is!

"That is, if you call this home; I must confess it doesn't feel so to me altogether." "Well, it's our own dear, noisy, raging, racketing, bustling old city, if it isn't our own house, and I'm sure we're very comfortable." "Very," said Mrs. Throckmorton, who was always pleased.

"O-oh!" the women cried. They were partially shocked, as they were intended to be, but partially their curiosity was excited, and a feeling that they would like to see all these gaieties and fine dresses moved their minds. The primitive intelligence always feel certain that "racketing" and orgies that go on all night, must be at least guiltily delightful, exciting, and amusing, if nothing else.

"We did not know you had the headache, mamma," said Matilda, "till after they had played several tunes, and we heard Grace saying something to Herbert about racketing upon the stairs he only ran up stairs once for my music-book; and the moment Grace spoke to him, he came to us, and said that you were not well; then Mad. de Rosier stopped the dulcimer, and we all left off dancing, and we were very sorry Grace had not told us sooner that you were ill: at that time it was ten nearly eleven o'clock."

"Not gratitude not gratitude. He was to have carried on my fight. To have been free as I am not " Miss Edwards and Rufus Cosgrave came racketing back up the steep and creaking stairs. It was like the whirlwind entry of some boisterous comet dragging at its rear a bewildered, happy tail. They were as exultant as though their paper bags contained priceless loot rescued from overwhelming forces.

Mother Bunch's sister ruled, like a true monarch, over this mad revelry, which her very presence seemed to inspire, such influence had her own mirth and animation over all that surrounded her. She was a tall girl of about twenty years of age, light and graceful, with regular features, and a merry, racketing air.

No I've some loose money, I'll start in business." "Good for you. Perhaps dad'll let me go in with you. Don't imagine I don't get sick of my racketing life; and when I have a spasm of reform I nearly take seriously to drink, I'm so bored. Would you have me for partner?" "Wouldn't I? That is if you would be serious about it. I am, let me tell you. The whole family can perform suttee for all I care.

She wrote sweet little letters to him saying she was sorry to be so long away, but her mother wanted her to stay on another week. Jerrold mustn't imagine she was the least bit ill, only rather tired after the winter's racketing. It would be heavenly to see him again. Then when she was rested her mother got ill and she had to go with her to Torquay. And at Torquay Maisie stayed on and on.