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"Comme c'est terrible," I said, "quelle chance que ça s'est fait la nuit!" I saw visions of leaping flames and angry reds reflected in the sky. Then I remembered. It was at the Printemps that I had chosen my divine coat. They had promised faithfully to send it me to-day.

Gemma, dear, I brought Signor Rivarez out to show him our beautiful view; I must leave him under your care. I know you will look after him and introduce him to everyone. Ah! there is that delightful Russian prince! Have you met him? They say he is a great favourite of the Emperor Nicholas. He is military commander of some Polish town with a name that nobody can pronounce. Quelle nuit magnifique!

"Gustave Adolphe, demandez-lui de quelle île." "I say, what isle Bo tom?" Newton, who was faint with hunger and thirst, was not inclined at the moment to continue the conversation, which otherwise would have been a source of amusement. He replied by making signs that he wished to eat and drink.

Again the jerks, the rubbing of the eyes, and the Indian maid is once more Mr. Copeland. Séance terminates with the payment of one dollar, cash, at 9.30 P.M. Stifling atmosphere breathed for 1-1/2 hours, for what? Quelle bêtise! Saturday, March 26th, 1887. I attended a séance at the house of Col. Kase, 1601 North 15th Street, on Thursday evening, March 24th, Mrs. Wells acting as Medium.

Confused, he turned, and gently laid down the faded silks across a chair back, pulling it even with the one where lay Josephine's richer and more modern robes. He looked at the two grimly, sadly, shook his head and walked out of the room. "Madame!" exclaimed Jeanne, "it was divine! But, quelle mystere!"

"Quelle dame extraordinaire!" moaned the patron. "C'est incroyable la sangfroid de celle-l

Madame, quelle horreur ... &c. And it is amazing to discover that these are the very phrases with which Racine has managed to express all the violence of human terror, and rage, and love. Voltaire at his best never rises above the standard of a sixth-form boy writing hexameters in the style of Virgil; and, at his worst, he certainly falls within measurable distance of a flogging.

Lise, Lise! venez ici: there's an interior in the manner of Teniers, see: all is in disorder, higgledy-piggledy, a table with a bust upon it, a hand, a palette; and the dust, look how well the dust is painted! c'est charmant! And there is another canvass, a woman washing her face quelle jolie figure! Oh, and there's a mujík! Lise, Lise! a mujík in a Russian shirt! look, do look a mujík!

And M. Quatrefages concludes his description thus: 'En acceptant comme vraies toutes les observations qui tendent a faire admettre qu'il en sera autrement dans les localites dont j'ai parle plus haut, quelle est la conclusion a tirer de faits aussi peu semblables?

"Gustave Adolphe, demandez-lui de quelle ile." "I say, what isle Bo -tom?" Newton, who was faint with hunger and thirst, was not inclined at the moment to continue the conversation, which otherwise would have been a source of amusement. He replied by making signs that he wished to eat and drink.