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Updated: August 11, 2024

King’s Quair, verse 31 seq. Thisgarden fairwas the scene of the romance which solaced this royal prisoner, and helped him to bear his irksome lot, and to be able to exclaim, after nearly eighteen years’ captivity a captivity since boyhood: Thanks be to the massive castle wall, From which I eagerly looked forth and leant.

Quair and Guilder were in the studio that day on business; Drene continued to modify his composition in accordance with Guilder's suggestions; Quair, always curious concerning Drene, was becoming slyly impudent. "And listen to me, Guilder. What the devil's a woman between friends?" argued Quair, with a malicious side glance at Drene. "You take my best girl away from me "

"Yas, you would think so; but he didn't, the more peace to him," was Ellinwood's reply. "The poor feller!" said Code. "I'm sorry for his wife. Anything else happen while I was gone, Pete?" "Now, let me think!" The mate scratched his head. "Oh, yes! Curse me, I nearly forgot it! You know that quair schooner that chased us down one day an' asked the fool questions about you?" "Yes.

The long though honourable captivity in England of King James I of Scotland the best poet among kings and the best king among poets, as he has been antithetically called was consoled by the study of the "hymns" of his "dear masters, Chaucer and Gower," for the happiness of whose souls he prays at the close of his poem, "The King's Quair."

It was a moonlight night, but the moon is always brighter in novels than in life and it was pitch dark. Alfred and I, walking arm in arm, talked gaily to each other as we stumbled over the broken brushwood by the side of the Quair burn. As we approached the wood a white birch lay across the water at a slanting angle and I could not resist leaving Alfred's side to walk across it.

Guilder, his senior colleague, got up from the lounge and walked over also. Drene fitted the sketch into the roughly designed group, where it belonged, and stood aside, sucking meditatively on his empty pipe. After a silence: "It's all right," said Guilder. Quair remarked that the group seemed to lack flamboyancy.

The Regent Albany had been succeeded in 1420 by his son, who was weak and incompetent, and Scotland longed for its rightful king. James had been carefully educated in England, and the dreary years of his captivity have enriched Scottish literature by the King's Quair: "More sweet than ever a poet's heart Gave yet to the English tongue".

Several times on the way to call on Graylock he insisted on stopping the car at as many celebrated cafes. Guilder patiently awaited him in the car and each time Quair emerged from the cafe bar a little more flushed and a trifle jauntier than when he had entered.

"She's some girl," added Quair, looking at the lithe, modeled figure, and then half turning to include the model, who had seated herself on the lounge, and was now gazing with interest at the composition sketched in by Drene for the facade of the new opera.

Graylock's square jaw tightened and his steady eyes seemed to grow even paler; but Quair, as though perfectly unconscious of this man's record with the wife of his closest friend, and of the rumors which connected him so seriously with Cecile White, swung his leg unconcernedly, where it dangled over the table's edge, and smiled frankly and knowingly upon Graylock: "There's always somebody to marry that sort of girl; all mush isn't on the breakfast table.

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