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"Why, there, I believe you're more than half right, Sir Gervaise; I overheard a conversation between them one dark night, when they were propping the mizzen-mast under the break of the poop, and the surgeon did maintain a theory very like that you mention, sir." "Ah! he did, did he?

Her eyes were fixed on the ground, and she seemed lost in thought. At length she rose up. "Mr Benson!" said she, standing before him, and propping herself by the table, as she was trembling sadly from weakness, "I mean to try very, very hard, to do my duty to Leonard and to God," she added, reverently. "I am only afraid my faith may sometimes fail about Leonard "

Looking out from the bushes, I saw her trotting towards an open space of lawn the other side the pond, chattering to herself in her accustomed fashion, a doll tucked under either arm, and her brow knit with care. Propping up her double burden against a friendly stump, she sat down in front of them, as full of worry and anxiety as a Chancellor on a Budget night.

Dot always hobbled after Flurry wherever she went; he was her devoted slave. Flurry sometimes treated him like one of her dolls, or put on little motherly airs, in imitation of Miss Ruth. "You are tired, my dear boy; pray lean on me," we heard her once say, propping him with her childish arm.

So often, Aubrey, I don't seem to understand you! I say the wrong thing. I'm not clever. I haven't any deep thoughts like you or Arthur. It would be terrible if you married me, and then I felt you were disappointed. He moved a little away from her and, propping his chin on his hands, looked gravely through the thinning branches of the wood. 'I wonder why you say that I wonder what I've done!

There was a terrific roar that echoed and reechoed through the passageway, a howl of pain and then silence. For a moment Hal waited, for he did not wish to be caught napping. Then he slowly made his way forward. Presently he came in contact with a man's body. It was the enemy. Propping himself up behind the dead man, Hal felt more comfortable.

She had numbers of photographs about, and the loveliest gold toilet things, and lots of frilled garments, and flowers, and scent-bottles; and her own pillows propping her up, all blue silk, and lovely muslin embroideries; and she did look such a sweet, cosey thing among it all, her dark hair in fluffs round her face, and an angelic lace cap over it.

What she dreaded was the return of that stablike pain in her side. It came, and life seemed something abject and monstrous. She rode stiff legged, with her hands propping her stiffly above the pommel, but the stabbing pain went right on, and in deeper. When the mustang halted his trot beside the other horses Carley was in the last extremity.

He touched Venner on the arm, and indicated the figure of the man who had suffered so cruelly in some form or other. "The plot thickens," Venner murmured. "Upon my word, he seems to know this Mark Fenwick as well as I do." The maimed crippled figure in the armchair had dragged himself almost to his feet, with his powerful, muscular arm propping him against the table.

She gave the impression of a tall creature of extreme grace as she sat propping her back against her silvered chair. Wilbur gazed at her with adoration. He had almost forgotten the affair of Martha Wallingford. He had excused his Margaret because she was a woman and he was profoundly ignorant of women's strange ambitions. Now, he regarded her with unqualified admiration.