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Updated: July 31, 2024

Well, I don't like hard words; when you crack them, which is plaguy tough work, you have to pick the kernel out with a cambric needle, and unless it's soaked in wine, like the heart of a hickory nut is, it don't taste nice, and don't pay you for the trouble.

"I wish I needed conversion as little as you," said Haldane despondently. "Now look here," snapped the old man; "I'm in no mood for any nonsense to-night. I want you to know I never have been convarted, and I can prove it to you plaguy quick if you stroke me agin the fur. You've got the advantage of me in this business, though you have been a hard cuss; for you are young and kind o' limber yet."

She sighed and squeezed his hand, understanding little enough of what he said. "We must be patient. 'T is a solid thing, patience. I'm puttin' by pence; but it 's so plaguy little a gal can earn, best o' times and with the best will." "If I could only write the things I think!

"Goodish seemed willing to come to tarms too; but like a prudent man, resolved to take a look at the old mare's mouth, and make some kind of a guess at her age; but the critter knowed how to keep her own secrets, and it was ever so long, afore he forced her jaws open, and when he did, he came plaguy near losin' of a finger, for his curiosity; and as he hopped and danced about with pain, he let fly such a string of oaths, and sacry-cussed the Elder and his mare, in such an all-fired passion, that Steve put both his hands up to his ears, and said, 'Oh, my dear friend, don't swear, don't swear; it's very wicked.

Leander would 've gin up the plaguy bargain, but he couldn't; he had signed a printed paper 'nd had swore to it afore a justice of the peace. Higgins would have had the law on him if he had throwed up the trade.

But that raucous "hrumph! hrumph!" that cacophonous yell! 'Tis Pig-noise, and Irish I know it so well. It is right in the road, it is plump in the gap. Steady, Dobbin! Don't halt for this hullaballoo Gee up! and go steady, now there's a good chap. What, the same plaguy Pig! Nay, by Jove, there are two! And they're fighting each other, these porkers perverse, In the gap we must pass!

That, said he, a smackin his lips, and lookin at its sparklin top, and layin back his head, and tippin off a horn mug brim full of it that, said he, and his eyes twinkled agin, for it was plaguy strong, that is the produce of my own orchard. Well, I said, minister, says I, I never see you a swiggin it out of that are horn mug, that I don't think of one of your texts.

"O Cap'n," he piped, "'Tis plaguy desperate business, here's some on us like to be bloody corpses but I'm wi' you, Cap'n Roger, whether or no, 'tis me to your back!" "To my back, Sammy? Why so you shall, lad, so you shall, but I'll ha' your pistols first, Smiler so!"

"And to tell you the truth, my young friend, I am half inclined to think that when he is given to understand, as he will be by you, if he doesn't know it already, that I am in charge of the investigations concerning these two murders, he will see me." The young man was disposed to consider the point. "Well," he remarked, "the chief does seem plaguy interested, all of a sudden.

Pepys had his own foundation, sandy enough, but dear to him from practical considerations, and he would read the book with true uneasiness of spirit; for conceive the blow if, by some plaguy accident, this Pen were to convert him! It was a different kind of doctrine that he judged profitable for himself and others. "A good sermon of Mr.

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