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She had crawled up silently and stealthily. But now she stood upright, her small head thrown back, her eyes glittering in the moonlight. "Got a rope fer me?" she asked. "I've heard everything." Nobody answered. The girl laughed; then she said slowly "I shot Jake Farge with this." She threw a small revolver at the 'Piker, who picked it up. "I killed him at five this afternoon.

Oh, she was a thoroughbred every inch of her, that girl was. Piker didn't say a word; he just picked up his coin an' walked out o' the room, an' I raised up the window an' drew a deep breath.

Abruptly it was chattering; in another instant it was still. "Double O!" announced a voice. A player next P. Sybarite swore soulfully. Thirty-five white chips were stacked alongside the winning stake. With unbecoming haste P. Sybarite removed them. "Well," he sighed privately, "there's one thing certain: this won't last. But I don't like to seem a piker.

"I say that this was the EXCUSE for your shootin';" Piker went on, bent on gettin' all the trouble the' was; "but I allus believed, myself, that it started over the woman you was keepin'." Dick's gun flashed in the air; but quick as a wink ol' Cast Steel knocked it up with his right hand, an' struck at Dick with his left.

True, it was a good advertisement at Boosters' Club lunches, and all the varieties of Annual Banquets to which Good Fellows were invited, to speak sonorously of Unselfish Public Service, the Broker's Obligation to Keep Inviolate the Trust of His Clients, and a thing called Ethics, whose nature was confusing but if you had it you were a High-class Realtor and if you hadn't you were a shyster, a piker, and a fly-by-night.

And still the woman paltered with her poisoned tea and made cigarettes and muttered inconsequently, as when she now broke out after a glance at the photograph: "That Ben Sutton certainly runs amuck when he buys his vests. He must have about fifty, and the quietest one in the lot would make a leopard skin look like a piker." Again her glance dreamed off to visions.

He could hear A.D.T. boys and loafers in front of pool rooms whispering, "Look at the piker in the rented soup and fish!" For of course he'd rent one. Nobody bought them except plutes like Henry B. Boltwood. He agitatedly walked up and down for an hour, peering into haberdashery windows, looking for a kind-faced young man.

That's dirty, low-down business, and anybody who would do such a thing is a dirty piker I don't care if she is a woman! If I've got to come out here and buck a wild woman with no principle I'll " Al Drummond paused abruptly. A mountain of bone and muscle had swooped down from the top of the load of baled hay and loomed large before him. "Mr.

I want to prove to the world that I didn't take those jewels. "Just what do you mean by 'the world, Sprouse?" "My world," he replied succinctly. "I'm not a piker, you know," he went on, cocking one eye in a somewhat supercilious manner. "The stakes are always high in my game. I don't play for pennies." "Get in the car," said Barnes suddenly.

Though only persons of that description hailing from Pike County were those who at first had to bear the opprobrium generally implied by "Piker," later it was applied to all persons of that type in the Far West, regardless of their origin.