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'Well, that theer's whut I coal a pictur, said old 'Mester' Ford, a true Staffordshire patriarch, who leaned on a stick and held his head very much on one side, with the air of a man who had little hope of the present generation, but would at all events give it the benefit of his criticism.

It's monstrous onconvenient and ridikilous to be a jumpin' up for everlastinly that way; you can't sit still one blessed minit. "'We think it pleasant, said he, 'sometimes to dispense with their attendance. That's the right time to have sarvants to tend on you. "'What an idea! said he, and he puckered up his pictur, and the way he stared was a caution to an owl.

"She's a perfec' pictur' o' joy, if ever I laid my eyes on one!" Fanny stood beside her tall husband, her pretty face irradiating happiness. She felt a sincere pity welling up in her heart for Ellen Dix and Joyce Fulsom and the other girls. Compared with her own transcendent experiences, their lives seemed cold and bleak to Fanny.

Afore you see his ugly pictur' ag'in, 'tarnal death to me, strannger, you'll be devoured; the red niggurs thar won't make two bites at you. No, sodger, if we run, we run, thar's the principle; we takes the water, the whole herd together, niggurs, hosses, and all, particularly the hosses; for, 'tarnal death to me, it's ag'in my conscience to leave so much as a hoof.

McFarlane's grass which is the thing I came right here to yarn about when I got mixed up with that unnatural hell, which I've learned since was only set up to amuse the skitters. Kind o' makes me feel if I was to set fer my pictur' I'd sure come out a shipwreck at sea, or some other darn fool kind of unpleasantness." Jeff was forced to echo the laugh which Dug indulged in without restraint.

It was long after dark when I reached camp and was greeted by my friend and guide withGol durn your pictur tenderfut, if it hain’t tuk you longer to get a pesky mess of yaller fish than it orter to kill a bar.”

'The girl ye left behind ye, says I. 'Ah, to be sure, says he. 'Yes, she be a reg'lar pictur. 'Well, you mid tell us a bit about her, says I; 'I've a-told 'ee all about my maid. Blue eyes, I s'pose? Seein' as his own be so black as sloes, I reckoned 'twould come naitral to en to take up wi' a fair maid. 'Yes, says he, 'so blue as the sky at home on a June day! I made a good shot, I told en.

And they talked about the granjer of France and the perfidgusness of England, and looked at the aluminated pictur of Madame Wharton as Haryadney till bedtime. But befor he slep, he finished his letter you may be sure, and called it his "Fust Imprestiuns of Anglyterre."

Gol darn his pictur'! Think o' bein' kicked by a bird an' havin' to be picked up an' carried off to be mended. We took a long, crooked trail hum an' walked all the way. It's kind o' hard footin'." Solomon spoke with the animation of a boy. At last he had found something in London which had pleased and excited him. "Did you have a good time at Sir Jeffrey's?" the young man asked.

"He's out o' the pictur' anyhow," Perk finally commented when they could no longer catch the least thud of the working motor only a more pleasing sound in the shape of gentle wavelets running up the shore of the great lake being borne to their ears. "Yes, and since that's settled we'd better be making a further move ahead," Jack was saying, in his sensible way.