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Updated: August 13, 2024

That a man should have occupied himself on a Tract on Divorce ere his honeymoon was well over should have written it perseveringly day after day within sound of his newly-wedded wife's footsteps and the very rustle of her dress on the stairs or in the neighbouring room is a notion all but dreadful. And yet to some such notion, if Phillips's dating is correct, we seem to be shut up.

Phillips's reasoning, and yet was very sorry that he could not gratify his promised wife by anything satisfactory in the way of collateral evidence. "Now, Elsie," said Brandon, who now took the privilege of love, and called her by her pet name, "what do you mean to do with this information? I think it quite useless for the end you wish to gain.

Defence of the Sonnets of Sir Philip Sidney." It may be interesting here to relate that Henry Francis Gary, the translator of Dante, and Lamb's friend, had, says his son in his memoir, lent Lamb Edward Phillips's Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, which was returned after Lamb's death by Edward Moxon, with the leaf folded down at the account of Sir Philip Sidney. Mr.

They surpass even Dr. Chauncy's catalogue of the unsavory epithets used by Whitefield and Tennent a century later; and it was not likely that they would be tolerated by a race whose reverence for men in authority was so comprehensive that they actually fined some one for remarking that Major Phillips's old mare was as lean as an Indian's dog.

Phillips's musket comes down butt-end on the head of the assailant. A spear is thrust in Cook's very face. He fires blank shot. The harmlessness of the shot only emboldens the savages. Women are seen hurrying off to the hills; men don their war mats. There is a rush of the white men to get positions along the water edge free for striking room; of the savages to prevent the whites' escape.

Special studies of importance are: W. E. B. DuBois's Suppression of the African Slave Trade ; M. G. McDougall's Fugitive Slaves , J. C. Hurd's Law of Freedom and Bondage ; Edward McPherson's Political History of the United States ; John H. Latané's Diplomacy of the United States in Regard to Cuba, in American Historical Association Reports ; J. M. Callahan's Evolution of Seward's Mexican Policy ; Phillips's Life of Robert Toombs ; and H. White's Life of Lyman Trumbull . Of peculiar value for the spirit of the times are: Mrs.

If any of Miss Phillips's, or any of Dr. Grant's relations had published a book, that would have been mentioned and extolled, but they had not. Vivian's scientific attainments, which Harriett had thought rather a bore at home, were however something to boast of here; and Dr.

Phillips's family a few times, without discovering any thing to confirm his suspicions, he allowed both officers and men to go ashore at all times; and soon quite an intimacy sprung up between them and the people of the plantation, and dinner parties and horseback rides were the order of the day.

Brandon has decreased of late; but he certainly has paid her a great deal of attention, and she expects a proposal." "Her face has no charm to me," said Francis. "Taken feature by feature it is handsome enough; but it wants play and variety, and it has not the perfect harmony of Mrs. Phillips's. That is a singularly beautiful index to a soul that appears to be nothing particular.

Though the Phillips's are accustomed but there, it's no use; only, as I tell Ellen, Boston is the place for me, where my family is known, and people realize what I'm used to." "I'm so sorry," Clover said again. "Perhaps somebody will go away, and Mrs. Marsh have a front room for you before long." "She did say that she might. I suppose she thinks some of her boarders will be dying off.

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