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"Was he frae the Indies?" "Na; he did not think he came that road. He was far frae the Southland. Naebody ever heard the name of the place; but he had brought more guid out o' Peterhead than a' the Lords he had seen in Slains, and he had seen three." Lockhart's Scott, ed. 1839, iv. 188. The first of the three was Johnson's host. See ante, ii. 153, and iii. 1, note 2. Mme.

In two days more we sighted the coast of Scotland near Peterhead,,and the Valkyria turned her lead towards the Faroe Islands, passing between the Orkneys and Shetlands. Soon the schooner encountered the great Atlantic swell; she had to tack against the north wind, and reached the Faroes only with some difficulty.

"I don't like the looks of her, Mac," he shouted. "She don't rise to them." "She's near water-logged, I'm thinkin'," the mate responded gravely. He knew the danger, and his thoughts were wandering away to a little slate-tiled cottage near Peterhead.

Increased strength was also given to the more exposed parts of the pierwork, and the slope at the sea side of the breakwater was considerably extended.* Those alterations in the design were carried out, together with a spacious graving-dock, as shown in the preceding plan, and they proved completely successful, enabling Peterhead to offer an amount of accommodation for shipping of a more effectual kind than was at that time to be met with along the whole eastern coast of Scotland.

He brought on board with him a lad of Peter's acquaintance, and now fully manned, they set sail again, and by the time the sun appeared were not far from Peterhead. Malcolm's spirits kept rising as they bowled along over the bright cold waters. He never felt so capable as when at sea.

We were casting our eyes over the German Ocean, when we saw what we took to be a brig, with her mainmast gone, and several of her sails blown away, evidently steering for Peterhead. Unable to keep close to the wind, she was drifting every instant nearer and nearer the shore.

At daybreak, as the rain had ceased, and the wind had somewhat gone down, we started for Peterhead, papa promising to send a conveyance for the mate and the boy, that they might be carried to the hospital. Peterhead is a substantial-looking seaport town, the houses being mostly built of granite from quarries near.

"To be sure, I was born on it and, please God, I hope my death may be from it and my grave in it, nearby some coast where the fisher-folk live happily around me." There was a few moments' silence, then John Hatton asked, "Are we likely to have fine weather now?" "Yes, sir, middling fine, until we pass Peterhead.

Malcolm said he was going to take her to Peterhead, and they asked no questions but such as he contrived to answer with truth, or to leave unanswered.

Those who have seen the massive vessels of the fishermen of Peterhead, their enormous outside planking, their bracings and fastenings in wood and in iron, and their internal knees and stancheons, may form an idea from such precautions imposed by long experience of the nature of the dangers that the shock or even the pressure of the ice may cause to a ship in the latitudes that we were going to explore.